Master Black Belt
\Have you read this thread or any of the other threads here? The TMA crowd (of which I consider myself part of) are rather dismissive and u accepting of mma. I've been to tna schools and heard plenty of mma and style bashing....
For the record, I am a dyed-in-the-wool TMA. Perhaps the biggest mistake a TMA can make when it comes to application, readiness for fighting, is to be dismissive of MMA, imo.
As with K-Man, the TMA schools in my area do not talk down MMA. In fact, although there are some opinions & attitudes about TMA vs. TMA styles, other than mild derogatory comment, there is little open criticism of one TMA style over another. At my current school, I have never heard any one criticize another TMA style or MMA.
The MMA schools do, however, talk down the TMA schools a al Matt Thorton, their own version of, "TMA is weak & flawed, etc." I think a lot of this has to do with business promotion; much has to do with the MMA crowd being of the mind, "I would rather fight than switch;" which I translate into, "I would rather fight, period."
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