I agree from the UP looking down this is the attitude.
Fighers lower than the cleaning lady?lots of people turn up to matches in stadiums, temple fairs etc as well as on Tv to watch Muay Thai not cleaning ladies.
In Thailand they have conscription to the army where everyone learns Muay Thai, do these normal Thai men have more respect for fighters or cleaning ladies?
My point is the average Thai person is quite poor by western standards and these people love their national sport and dont think of the boxers as low. From up looking down i agree with you.
My other comment was more to the fact that the best professional fighters often come from poor backgrounds all over the world.
I can see that you have been in Thailand long enough to see through a few of those smiles and i agree with some of what you have said about racism etc perhaps you have been in Bangkok too long?
Perhaps you got me on a bad day yesterday, im glad you dont hold the same views as those upper class Thais. Know doubt you deal with them more than me.
A naive foreigner i am not, i have spent a long time here and have a Muay Thai gym in Chiang Mai. We treat our boys well, they all have to go to school after they train in the morning so they have a future after boxing. We try to get the older boys to use their money to help siblings through school and set up their parents etc in some sort of business(even if its a market stall).
Yes i agree some gyms are ruthless the way they treat their boys, but not all. Look me up next time you are in Chiang Mai and come and train, im sure you will enjoy the hospitality and the training.