OK went to the house again and absolutely everybody loves it and logically so should I, the price is great the location is great the school system is great the condition of the house is great and when I am there it is ok but within 12 hours I was right back to I don't want it.
It is I am beginning to think, to perfect. It is a neighborhood populated by doctors, lawyers and engineers. The previous owner was a doctor his kids are (and I am not kidding) doctors and lawyers (not one is a doctor and the other a lawyer they are both doctor and lawyer)
I just can't picture me fitting in there at all. I don't see a whole lot of MA people there and I certainly do not see anyone tolerating a guy that beats trees, they might fear me, call the cops on me but they sure as heck will not ask me what I am doing. I hate to say this but the whole thing is to conformist and you can only take this MAist and ex-biker so far into mainstream society before he either losses it or shuts down completely.
This blond guy with heavy duty Germanic ancestry would be more comfortable in the heart of Beijing than here.
And yes I know this whole thing sounds insane.
And it has gotten to a point, my wife is pushing and pushing for this, where I may just have to buy it just the same.