What is the racial disparity in total number of crimes worthy of the death penalty?
No one knows. Despite the fact that a lot of studies of racial disparity in death penalty have been done, and all of them (as far as I know) say that yes, there is a definite bias against minorities, what is not accounted for are the overall number of cases in which the death penalty COULD have been applied for, but for whatever reason, the prosecuting attorney chose not to seek it.
It has been often reported by the authors of those studies that District Attorneys across the US routinely refuse to provide that information - according to the UCR requirements, they do not have to, either.
Im betting more men then women get the death penalty...it is "sexist" too?
I don't know. However, if it is inequitably applied to anyone - is that a good thing? I'd be against it if it were inequitably applied to rich people versus poor (or vice-versa). Equality under the law is one of our founding principles.
What is the disparity in the race of VICTIMS??
That's actually the crust of the biscuit, you see. The overwhelming highest number of death penalties awarded on a percentage basis are to black men who kill white men. Not black on black, or white on white, or white on black. It appears to be the race of the victim that makes for the most clearly racist verdicts.
The "death penalty" isnt more expensive. The legal process in getting people there is more expensive.
That's the intent of the argument, I think. They mean the overall cost of getting down to it. Since we afford legal protections to all, and we are exceedingly careful when it involves the forfeit of life, there are long drawn out appeals, which the state (and therefore the taxpayer) has to pay for.
I'm guessing you knew that, though.