Mostly Harmless
What do you guys think? This topic is currently making its way through the BJJ/Grappling blogs. I posted on it here:
The gist of what I said on my blog is that there are reasons for and against competing. What have I missed? What do you guys think? Do you compete? Why or why not?
Reasons for:
The gist of what I said on my blog is that there are reasons for and against competing. What have I missed? What do you guys think? Do you compete? Why or why not?
Reasons for:
1: Competing forces me to address my conditioning. I had three matches in February and was more gassed than I have ever been. The pace is higher, and the adrenaline and anxiety cause fatigue. I have to be in shape.
2: Competing forces me to address my diet. In competition, there are weight classes. While I walk around at 184 lbs and compete at around that same weight, I want to be healthy and have enough energy to get me through. Others drop weight, and there are good and bad ways to do that. Either way, competition forces my hand. I donÂ’t drink as much beer in the weeks leading to a competition. I try to eat less sugar and am just more mindful of my diet.
3: I learned more about myself in one day on the mats, and in watching my videos from those matches, than I had in the 3 months prior. I saw gaping holes in my game, areas that were exploited. Areas to improve.
4: I also saw things that I do well. Who knew?
5: I gained confidence in my training and my ability. BJJ is so hard on the ego. So much of our time is spent on the wrong side of a submission. So many reps before a technique works. So much time being stacked up, passed, choked or hyperextended. Add to this that as we get better, our classmates are also improving. That blue belt who kicks your butt will likely continue to do so. As you improve, he does as well. Granted, we all learn at different rates, but this phenomenon can obscure our own development. In a competition, you roll with people who donÂ’t know your game. The difference is like Night and Day.
And some reasons against:2: Competing forces me to address my diet. In competition, there are weight classes. While I walk around at 184 lbs and compete at around that same weight, I want to be healthy and have enough energy to get me through. Others drop weight, and there are good and bad ways to do that. Either way, competition forces my hand. I donÂ’t drink as much beer in the weeks leading to a competition. I try to eat less sugar and am just more mindful of my diet.
3: I learned more about myself in one day on the mats, and in watching my videos from those matches, than I had in the 3 months prior. I saw gaping holes in my game, areas that were exploited. Areas to improve.
4: I also saw things that I do well. Who knew?
5: I gained confidence in my training and my ability. BJJ is so hard on the ego. So much of our time is spent on the wrong side of a submission. So many reps before a technique works. So much time being stacked up, passed, choked or hyperextended. Add to this that as we get better, our classmates are also improving. That blue belt who kicks your butt will likely continue to do so. As you improve, he does as well. Granted, we all learn at different rates, but this phenomenon can obscure our own development. In a competition, you roll with people who donÂ’t know your game. The difference is like Night and Day.
1: IÂ’m putting this first because this is what I consider to be the best reason to not compete: it negatively impacts your training in any way. Whether mental or physical, legitimate or not, if you get so worked up at the idea of competing that you begin to actually NOT want to go to class, you shouldnÂ’t compete. IÂ’ve actually seen this happen.
IÂ’ve said many times that IÂ’m in this for the long haul. IÂ’m not concerned with getting good at BJJ quickly. Hell, if IÂ’m being honest, IÂ’d LIKE to get better, but IÂ’m not all that concerned with getting good at BJJ at all. My number one concern is to be training in BJJ when IÂ’m 60 or even 70. THATÂ’S my number one goal. This isnÂ’t a sprint for me; itÂ’s a marathon.
So, if you are like me, and competition adversely affects the training in some way, I donÂ’t see it as being necessary. Bottom line for me is this: if I had to choose now between being a Mundial champ but have to quit training at 45 or still be a blue belt while training at 65, the choice would be very easy. IÂ’d much rather be a crappy, 65 year old blue belt still training three times each week.
So, if you are like me, and competition adversely affects the training in some way, I donÂ’t see it as being necessary. Bottom line for me is this: if I had to choose now between being a Mundial champ but have to quit training at 45 or still be a blue belt while training at 65, the choice would be very easy. IÂ’d much rather be a crappy, 65 year old blue belt still training three times each week.
2: Professional considerations. Simply put, I think the most obvious reason to avoid competing has to do with income. If I get injured and will be forced to miss work, IÂ’m lucky enough to have medical leave. Not everyone can say the same. There are many people who work on an hourly rate and will stand to lose income if they miss work. BJJ being what it is, there is always the possibility of injury. In class, however, this is less likely than in competition. At class, I know my training partners and, if necessary, can avoid rolling with Spazzy McEyeGouge, the 210 lbs wrecking ball.
3: Insurance. This is related to the second point, but not everyone has medical insurance, at least not here in the States. While IÂ’ve seen many tournaments that went without any serious injury, IÂ’ve also been to some where IÂ’ve seen some pretty serious stuff. IÂ’ve seen a broken forearm occur when someone tried to catch himself on a takedown. IÂ’ve seen dislocated shoulders, blown out knees and all sorts of stuff that just make me cringe. While I presume that grappling tournaments are insured, I honestly donÂ’t know. Until writing this, it hadnÂ’t occurred to me to ask.
4: Other Medical Considerations: I know that my back can be unpredictable. I feel great for a while and then I can barely walk for a week. While IÂ’m doing everything I can to mitigate this, I can easily foresee a time when IÂ’m going to realize that the increased pace of competition just does more harm than good. I know IÂ’m not alone.