Again, if you say so. By the way, what "trend" do you think she was talking about? And does ITA do "Taekwon-do" or "Taekwondo"?
They call it 'Tiger Rock Martial Arts'
You know good and well 'The Trend': teach less, demand less, but charge the same or more.
In the ITA case it went together with some fancy name changes.
At one time the organization demanded 2 forms per BB rank, shriveled to 1
They had a BB camp that legendary (crawl through mud, work out til you puke)
I never got around to do 'Green Belt Camp', a day of amped up workouts with the regions instructors. Around lunch time the kids were pooped and really good to have.
Now they implemented half forms for Junior color belts. That was an interesting move. Especially since the 1st half of the forms is seldom the problem, you start out often enough, but I was told it improved the technique. (I am tking that with a truck load of salt though, I worked with enough kids to doubt that statement)
Then the optional sparring.
I call that a trend. But you knew that.

You have read enough stuff to notice how the art id being wittled away from. Much of it has to do with the simple fact that we are not soldiers in need of lose combat tactics, but every day Joes and Janes with day jobs and responsibilities.
Some of the other things that are being cut you can just wonder.