TKD, MMA, and SD

Daniel Sullivan

MT Mentor
I thought that this would be an interesting topic.

For those of you who practice TKD and MMA (doesn't have to be at the same time), or MMA with TKD as a base art, what do you see in terms of SD training differences?

Please: this is not an MMA vs TMA debate, so please don't start one. We all know that the TKD orgs have some form of SD in their curriculums, and we all know that most of the base arts that MMA practitioners have generally have some element of SD as well.

But what I am after is this: when you belong to a school that trains you for MMA competition, boasts some proven fighters in their literature, and makes a point of stating that they will teach techniques that will be effective in competition, the ring, the octagon, or whatever, and will train you to be competative, what sort of practical SD is generally offered and how does it differ from what you've experienced in a TKD dojang.


are you a competitor who simply crosstrains in several arts including TKD? If so, what do you see in terms of SD training differences or similarities between your TKD dojang(s) and the schools of the other arts that you train in?

Do you see the TKD schools as being primarilly sport/competition oriented with some forms, and little to no SD, or do you see them as having some sport, forms, some SD, and some specific technique focus?

I realize that this may not be the best way of phrasing the question. Not sure how many MMA practitioners train at a specific MMA school, or if indeed there are many such schools out there.

Thanks in advance!

I believe that if you're training for MMA and/or TKD there is already a big aspect of SD involved. I would have to say that training for MMA events is probably a lot more diverse than training for TKD competitions, so there is inherently more SD training involved.
I get confused a little with your question though because isent martial arts self-defense in and of itself? I believe it is, so if you have ever watched any of the training regiments of some of the top MMA athletes, you can easily see that their training is extremely intense, more intense than any TKD training I have ever seen.
So to answer your question as best as I can I would say that MMA offers much more SD aspects in their training, especially if it is training for competitions
I believe that if you're training for MMA and/or TKD there is already a big aspect of SD involved. I would have to say that training for MMA events is probably a lot more diverse than training for TKD competitions, so there is inherently more SD training involved.
I get confused a little with your question though because isent martial arts self-defense in and of itself? I believe it is, so if you have ever watched any of the training regiments of some of the top MMA athletes, you can easily see that their training is extremely intense, more intense than any TKD training I have ever seen.
So to answer your question as best as I can I would say that MMA offers much more SD aspects in their training, especially if it is training for competitions

I think more of what he's getting after here is what are the differences that you would see in the SD training in MMA vs. the SD training in TKD? If MMA is more intensive, then how so?

Or, is the MMA that you practice more of something that you have come up with yourself from taking several TMA's and making it work for you? In other words, going through the entire cirriculum of a TMA vs. only part of it...

I'm interested to know as well, actually
Brandon, you're close.

MMA: that stuff that is done in an octagon with an official in a striped shirt and a whistle present to keep things honest, not just general training in more than one martial art.

Much has been said on MT and virually every other MA board about how most commercial TKD schools do not teach effective SD, but instead focus on sparring in whatever competition rule set their org has.

Also, some contend quite vocally that MMA is actually just a sport and that it isn't the same as training in effective SD.

I'm not trying to compare TKD self defense with MMA self defense. So much of that depends on who your instructor is and if you train with a focus on SD.

What I'm trying to do is to get a feel for the similarities and differences between the amount of SD one receives at schools that focuses on MMA and schools that teach taekwondo.

More or less looking at trends than making a direct comparison between MMA and TKD, and I was looking for the perspective of those who either train in both simultaneously or those who have done both. Certainly anyone is welcome to comment, but I'm specifically interested in the perspective of those who have had first hand experience in both.


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