I don't know that I'd call them that. Kano's was actually not restoring so much as modernizing and embracing a more sport/competition rout, complete with the dan system from Go.those are post-restoration arts.
Funokoshi simply 'Japanized' Okinawan karate from what I understand.
right, but some arts are STILL Traditional in the definition you have here. and some are not. they do exist.
Both Judo and Shotokan are considered traditional. Taekwondo is considered 'traditional' and is probably less 'traditional' than Shotokan. Even so, I do know what you mean. Seems that traditional today means anything that is self contained, has a belt system, and isn't MMA. I see 'traditional' as having become more of a format.
I am aware of the studies you referrence, but I don't consider being willing to kill one's enemies in war to be the same as being a sociopath. Being a sociopath can have (I would think) negative consequences in a working unit.as far as the military indoctrination goes, my experience in the marine corps says different.
there is some literature out there about studies conducted in ww2 concerning the 'killer instinct'. they found many soldiers fired over the heads of the enemy. military indoc was changed accordingly. at least in the Corpse.