Just a quick aside…
In the US, what percentage of TKD classes take place in dedicated gyms/schools and what percentage are taught “part time” in community centres, church halls and the like? In Spain it’s mainly the former (although very few gyms offer only MA), whereas in the UK I remember there was a lot more of the latter (although I’m talking about 15 years ago).
I think it's probably a lot of the latter, so far as the USA is concerned. My instructor and I teach in a rec center (with a phenomenal amount of space, the upside to the situation, whose negatives include the fact that we're limited in what we can do with the space on our own, e.g., we don't have the freedom to adapt the space for useful equipment such as heavy hanging bags, etc.) I think Iceman's in a similar situation, and there are a number of other MTers who train and/or teach in the kind of public spaces you mention. The big commercial outfits have their own big commercial schools, of course, but I suspect that a good chunk of MA training is kind of 'underground'... it goes on mostly invisibly, in the kinds of venues you mention, and probably not a lot of money changes hands in those situations.
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