Senior Master
It seems that when you imbibe your protein supplement is important for greater muscle protein synthesis.
Taking 28g of casein-derived protein before retiring for the night appears to be optimal for increasing muscle mass if you perform your workouts between 8-10pm. Morning weight-lifters may obtain less benefit from nocturnal protein-dosing, so adjusting the timing of supplementation may be more beneficial, although no data for this is provided.

The Impact of Pre-sleep Protein Ingestion on the Skeletal Muscle Adaptive Response to Exercise in Humans: An Update - PubMed
This review provides an update on recent research assessing the effect of pre-sleep protein ingestion on muscle protein synthesis rates during overnight sleep and the skeletal muscle adaptive response to exercise training. Protein ingested prior to sleep is effectively digested and absorbed...

Taking 28g of casein-derived protein before retiring for the night appears to be optimal for increasing muscle mass if you perform your workouts between 8-10pm. Morning weight-lifters may obtain less benefit from nocturnal protein-dosing, so adjusting the timing of supplementation may be more beneficial, although no data for this is provided.