Master Black Belt
Dear Mike:
Yes, and just because I might not interested in the effort doesn't mean that it does not have merit. My two concerns is that it A.) seems as though it is reinventing the wheel for an audience who has a track record of "walking" and B.) that it has expectations for a population of practitioners who have consistently failed to meet the expectations for their positions.
In light of my last post consider the following.
Lets suppose that all the organizations to date have somehow missed the boat. I would point out that there have been a broad range of organizations and leaders from the avuncular (thats you, Rudy
) to the dictatorial (fill-in the name of your choice). These organizations have come and gone over the last 50 years and there is yet to be an organization that has been able to satisfy a range of practitioners.
Now--- lets talk about that range.
Putting to one side the folks already under one banner or another from the AHA to the WHRDA. What are the chances that a single organizational effort will be able to reconcile the interests of such disparate individuals as say, myself, Gary Pointer, Hackworth, Pelligrini, Whalen and Rudy? And if such an organization does NOT reconcile these very different positions on the KMA what, may I ask is the point? So, we have a whole range of groups and a whole range of people and still there is not a single group that has been able to pull folks together over the last 50 years. Whatismore there are still more groups organizing and reorganizing and none of them are an improvement over what we have had in the past.
Now lets talk about what such a group would do.
a.) I teach for free. All a student has to do is show up and I teach them traditional Yon Mu Kwan Hapkido. Guess what. Sometimes they show and sometimes they don't. Would a group such as this produce any greater or more consistent commitment?
b.) I pay for all of my own expenses out of my own pocket. That means when I travel somewhere to teach for free it comes out of my own pocket. Insurance, transportation, equiptment, communications, printing and publishing expenses? Would a group address this?
c.) When I seek to further my own MA education it ALSO comes out of my pocket. Travel to downtown Chicago or to Korea --- it all comes out of my pocket, my time, my effort. Would a group address this?
d.) Anymore I go to a seminar and I know as much or more about whats being taught than the person giving the presentation. Oh, there is always the odd turn of the pinkie or some exotic new twist on a cane or short stick technique. But after 20 years of Hapkido it gets harder and harder to find legitimate new information. Why do you think I got so excited about my little trip to Korea? Would a group address this?
e.) This Spring I made a very big thing about going to have my 4th Dan test validated by my peers down in Florida. I didn't have to do it but I made a big thing about it because I advocate THAT is the way it needs to be done. The whole thing blew-up in my face. Personally I don't think folks would submitt to being assessed by their peers. Would a group address this?
f.) Lastly, I think that the folks who could really use such a group are all talk. I think that in fact, were such a group available people who could really use such a group would find reasons not to join up. Its a little like people on the margins of the KMA community being finally invited to come out of the shadows and show what they are about---- it never quite happens. Well, I think that those people who woof the loudest about home rule would never quite get around to joining the new group.
I really apologize for being so cynical but I have had a real mouthful from the typical home-grown martial artist here in the States. I can tell you from experience that you can drive a truck between genuine martial traditions and its dedicated practitioner and what passes under that banner here in the States. For my money the fact that a certain misguided personality is still pandering his drivel speaks volumes as to what people think of MA here in America. FWIW.
Best Wishes,
Yes, and just because I might not interested in the effort doesn't mean that it does not have merit. My two concerns is that it A.) seems as though it is reinventing the wheel for an audience who has a track record of "walking" and B.) that it has expectations for a population of practitioners who have consistently failed to meet the expectations for their positions.
In light of my last post consider the following.
Lets suppose that all the organizations to date have somehow missed the boat. I would point out that there have been a broad range of organizations and leaders from the avuncular (thats you, Rudy

Now--- lets talk about that range.
Putting to one side the folks already under one banner or another from the AHA to the WHRDA. What are the chances that a single organizational effort will be able to reconcile the interests of such disparate individuals as say, myself, Gary Pointer, Hackworth, Pelligrini, Whalen and Rudy? And if such an organization does NOT reconcile these very different positions on the KMA what, may I ask is the point? So, we have a whole range of groups and a whole range of people and still there is not a single group that has been able to pull folks together over the last 50 years. Whatismore there are still more groups organizing and reorganizing and none of them are an improvement over what we have had in the past.
Now lets talk about what such a group would do.
a.) I teach for free. All a student has to do is show up and I teach them traditional Yon Mu Kwan Hapkido. Guess what. Sometimes they show and sometimes they don't. Would a group such as this produce any greater or more consistent commitment?
b.) I pay for all of my own expenses out of my own pocket. That means when I travel somewhere to teach for free it comes out of my own pocket. Insurance, transportation, equiptment, communications, printing and publishing expenses? Would a group address this?
c.) When I seek to further my own MA education it ALSO comes out of my pocket. Travel to downtown Chicago or to Korea --- it all comes out of my pocket, my time, my effort. Would a group address this?
d.) Anymore I go to a seminar and I know as much or more about whats being taught than the person giving the presentation. Oh, there is always the odd turn of the pinkie or some exotic new twist on a cane or short stick technique. But after 20 years of Hapkido it gets harder and harder to find legitimate new information. Why do you think I got so excited about my little trip to Korea? Would a group address this?
e.) This Spring I made a very big thing about going to have my 4th Dan test validated by my peers down in Florida. I didn't have to do it but I made a big thing about it because I advocate THAT is the way it needs to be done. The whole thing blew-up in my face. Personally I don't think folks would submitt to being assessed by their peers. Would a group address this?
f.) Lastly, I think that the folks who could really use such a group are all talk. I think that in fact, were such a group available people who could really use such a group would find reasons not to join up. Its a little like people on the margins of the KMA community being finally invited to come out of the shadows and show what they are about---- it never quite happens. Well, I think that those people who woof the loudest about home rule would never quite get around to joining the new group.
I really apologize for being so cynical but I have had a real mouthful from the typical home-grown martial artist here in the States. I can tell you from experience that you can drive a truck between genuine martial traditions and its dedicated practitioner and what passes under that banner here in the States. For my money the fact that a certain misguided personality is still pandering his drivel speaks volumes as to what people think of MA here in America. FWIW.
Best Wishes,