Time for me to leave

Hey dude...gotta do what ya gotta do. But ultimatly everyone has to leave when they feel its warranted. People will do the same stuff here in the forum or in real life, but forums do have the nice ability to let them go.

Be good.
I'm so sorry to see you go, Xue. You've always been helpful, and I've enjoyed reading your posts. Please do reconsider.:asian: Of course if you don't, we understand.
Xue Sheng, while I don't want you to leave, I recognize that all of us need to take a break from time to time. Why not step away from the computer for a bit and rejoin us in a week or two? There is much here for you and you have much to contribute as well.

Things go in cycles on the Net - quiet at times, loud at others. It is just the nature of the medium. Why not consider just posting in those particular areas in which you are interested and leaving the debate to others until you're ready to jump back in?

Best of luck in everything and hope to see you soon.
Hello, One more add to the one more thing? Sometimes it is best to take a rest ( few days or more)..think about the things you enjoy here on this site.

and come back...try again..see what happens?

The all successful people always keep on trying and do not give up...or they become losers permanently.

I can only echo what other people have said - these things come and go, rise and fall. I have been on other bulletin boards, both MA and otherwise, and they all run in cycles, and everyone who has anything to say worth reading will, at some point, run into someone they disagree with and have a heated discussion... the only people who don't have these types of disagreements generally don't have any strong opinions.

Take a few days off and then check in - you will be missed.
I post here very rarely, content to lurk and read. I have enjoyed your posts and been educated by the information you have deemed to impart here. I beg you to reconsider. The close minded vocal few who have recently arrived to sow discord will not last. When they are gone, your absence and words of wisdom will be sorely missed.
still learning said:
Sometimes it is best to take a rest ( few days or more)..think about the things you enjoy here on this site.

and come back...try again..see what happens?

Good advice. Taking a periodic break is often helpful. A yearly two-week vacation should be mandatory.
Tenacity is part of our training. Don't give up! Take some time to regroup and come back.
Xue Sheng I only know you by your posts which seem very intelligent. That being said do not take anything on this board to heart. You will have people who agree with you and those that disagree with you. Unfortunately you will also have the people who are so closed minded that think their opinion is the only opinion that matters. These are the dinosaurs of the martial arts who will be looking back one day in regret for not opening their eyes and minds to other things, and other ways. You need to rise above them and take it on the chin. I will leave you with this old saying which my sensei passed to me. "Seven times down, eight times up". I am sure you can figure out the message.

In the spirit of bushido!

shesulsa said:
Xue Sheng,

I just read this and I wanted to say - please don't. I have learned a lot from your posts and your posts make me think.

This is an interesting time for MartialTalk as we have some very head-strong newcomers which can sometimes disrupt the normal flow of conversation here. However, we persevere as does the Talk and seek to continue to open minds and hearts and I would like very much for you to stay and join us in this quest.

I don't see anything wrong at all with your posting style and do hope you reconsider.

If you're interested in helping us forward the vision of the owner here, please stick around and make use of the RTM feature, open conversations with the mentors and moderators, and just keep posting.

Please feel free to PM me and if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.

Georgia / shesulsa
Xue Sheng,

I echo everything Georgia said...please stick around. I have come to appreciate your posts so much...we need more knowledable CMA people! Don't desert us! lol...Seriously, as G commented...feel free to use the RTM feature and keep posting...i am also available via PM if you would like to discuss anything.

Most Sincerely,
Pam/Jade Tigress :asian:
WOW!!! I didn't expect this...

Thank You, and I appreciate what everyone has said and I appreciate the advice. If were only about the 2 individuals that I
am referring to I would not let that stop me. I can handle them, I have handle worse in person, and actually one has already
been handled as far as I am concerned and the other would have been handled as well at the next encounter. Basically they
were more like the straw that broke the camels back.

I have been thinking about this for a while and I am now taking everyoneÂ’s posts into consideration and I may just be gone for awhile, not sure. I do truly appreciate all the posts in response. To be honest I am amazed at all of the responses I have received, I just felt I should say bye.

chinto01 said:
"Seven times down, eight times up".

I have always believed that as long as I get up 1 more time than I fall down I am doing ok. But I do not think I have fallen,
actually I am in the process of getting up, but it has been a long on going process.

I went into this briefly in another thread and I will try and be more brief here. A few years ago I had a year that was
constant injury (one right after another), started with a partially torn ligament in the elbow and the year ended with a tree
falling on me, I am much better now and I can start some hard training again..... and I need a lot of training.....a whole lot of training....actually that is still an understatement. Also I have found, much to my dismay, it is not as easy getting back into shape after 40.

Also I just started Xingyiquan again after roughly a 10 year hiatus and it appears I may be starting a different form of Tai
Chi, after 13 years of traditional Yang style; I am going to try Cheng men-ching style. I have also been dabbling in Sanda,
but that may have to stop soon too, I just have no time.

I have a trip to China coming up plus various other responsibilities that are demanding my time; Business and family type
stuff. And then there is fitting in the needed training, currently that is at 5:00AM and I am not a morning person.

I will think about all this after I get back from China, at this point I am thinking it will be a hiatus. If I can be of assistance to anyone just PM me, I still check my targeted e-mail from time to time.

And I just realized there were two things I wanted to post before I go, I have already done one and I will do the other now.

Thanks to all.
I've always wanted to say this;
"I'll be back"
Xue Sheng it sounds to me like you have already made your mind up. it also appears to me that you will be greatly missed by the members of Martial Talk. I wish you well in all that you do and hope to see you again soon on the boards.

In the spirit of bushido!


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