throwing a log on the conspiracy fire


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
They've been burning kind've low I thought I'd stir some embers...

Hypothetically, would anyone else find bin Laden being captured just prior to the election slightly suspicious?
I would find it suspicious, but not surprising... I recall about 6 months or so ago, the Pakistani's had a bunch of "Senior Al-Qaida" members, perhaps even Bin Laden that they cornered and captured. Our government quickly dismissed the idea that they had caught Osama...

If we "catch" him just before the election, I will be convinced that we have had him locked up for months, waiting for the politically right time to reveal him.
I don't might happen that they just really stepped up efforts to find him at the last minute and spent a ton of money and manpower just before election so that he actually get captured then, which is still a little suspicious. I'm just not a big fan of conspiracy theories because they require so many people. If we have bin Laden and keep him until the last minute, then too many people would have to know about it.

For example, some small troop of soldiers catches him in a cave. They report to their commanding officer, who takes OBL to some prison where there are multiole guards, then they report through probably a couple of others before getting to Rumsfeld, Bush, etc. Eventually, someone would come out and say that they had found him or that there had been a coverup and make millions on book sales. I think that conspiracies only work if there are a very very few people involved.
SenseiBear said:
I would find it suspicious, but not surprising... I recall about 6 months or so ago, the Pakistani's had a bunch of "Senior Al-Qaida" members, perhaps even Bin Laden that they cornered and captured. Our government quickly dismissed the idea that they had caught Osama...

If we "catch" him just before the election, I will be convinced that we have had him locked up for months, waiting for the politically right time to reveal him.
What he said.
I don't think we'll catch him, but I expect some 'sightings', as well as a higher media mentioning rate to 'remind us' why we fight.
yes...this is all hypothetical of course..but the interesting point it brings up is that there are people that distrust this current administration so much that if something like this happened they would completely believe they had been sitting on bin Laden until the right time to "capture" him...
How about this... Bin Laden is dead and they're keeping him "alive" so we have something to keep fighting against.
Even one more still... He's dead and after the election they pull him outta the hat to show what a good job ole' Georgy is doing... win or lose... they'll make Kerry look bad with all his anti-Bush rhetoric.

By the way... my personal political leanings??....This year I'm going to vote the same way I've always voted... NONE - OF - THE - ABOVE!
MACaver said:
By the way... my personal political leanings??....This year I'm going to vote the same way I've always voted... NONE - OF - THE - ABOVE!
As long as you realize that this vote is a vote for the status quo.

I have quoted this once before on Martial Talk ...

Rush - Free Will

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
Understood, just know that I am not trying to absolve my responsibility of putting someone in office who may or may not be a bad president or a good president by not voting...
Ever since I was old enough to vote I've followed elections with (increasing) disinterests. I watch debates and listen carefully and read this and that and try to find the right candidate for my vote.
:idunno: I'm sorry what did they want me to do? How can I do that when mud is flying all over the place? It seems that every candidate wants to shine on themselves and crap on their opponent. Hmm, mebbe this is the way it's always been. I dunno.
What I do know is (personally) is how the hell can I respect the man behind the desk at the oval office to respect me a voter/citizen/tax-payer when he can't respect his own opponent by pointing out every little fault like some grade-schooler.
One of the worse debates I can recall was between Quayle and Benson.
Quayle was trying (not a bad effort for the kid) to compare himself to a young John Kennedy. Benson retorted with the line: "I knew John Kennedy and I can tell you that you are no John Kennedy."
To which Quayle (had to been que-carded) ".....that was uncalled for senator!" ..
Funny to be sure but just like two kids in a playground after school.

No, show me candidates that will concentrate on their proposed efforts and strengths and not on their opponents' weaknesses and faults... and you just MIGHT get me to start voting.
Regardless of what you want a candidate to do, it does come down to winning an election. It has been shown that damaging the opponents strengths is the way to win an election. That is how Bush the elder defeated Dukakis. That is how Clinton beat Bush and Dole. That is how Reagan beat Carter.

Don't blame the candidates, blame your fellow citizens. If they did not react the way they do, the candidates would not act the way they do.

What was your reaction to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

Why not demonstrate your opposition to the 'mudslinging' by voting against the party the drew first blood .... Vote Democratic.

Or just sit on the side ... don't participate in change ... just keep on keepin' on. Better the Devil we know, than the devil we don't.
michaeledward said:
Regardless of what you want a candidate to do, it does come down to winning an election. It has been shown that damaging the opponents strengths is the way to win an election. That is how Bush the elder defeated Dukakis. That is how Clinton beat Bush and Dole. That is how Reagan beat Carter.
Yeah, true. So what does that say about the winning candidate? They're better at slandering, defamation of character, belittling someone, and just about anything else negative? It's personal character that reflects on how one faces their opposition. As someone to beat but to do it with the respect that a fellow human being deserves... and to treat those they're trying to win over with the same respect to their intelligence and understanding of their frustrations at just how nearly every president since FDR has had a major scandal that they had to double talk their way out of... I mean jeez. Is this what politics is about? The corruption influence of power? Ya'll can have it.

michaeledward said:
Don't blame the candidates, blame your fellow citizens. If they did not react the way they do, the candidates would not act the way they do.
NO! We the citizens of this great nation should not be to blame for the actions of another. We should however carry the blame for putting the sucker in office in the first place. For being hood-winked by (EITHER) candidates in believing they want what is BEST for US not for them. But like sheep we just go along. The government seems to like that because it gives them the leeway to do what is in THEIR best interests. The government is terrified of us getting in touch with our feelings. If we were in touch with our feelings then we'd throw these mo-fo's out. We wouldn't take it for a minnit! But it's easier to go on with our lives, gripe and ***** about what's going on up at the hill and hope for a better guy to run for office.

michaeledward said:
What was your reaction to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?
Didn't watch/read it ... didn't care to. All due respect to those who actually suffered the hell of serving on a swift-boat in Vietnam during the conflict... what does talking about one's prior service in an unpopular war that have to do with right now and today and tomorrow. All that is, is just big dick waving by the candidates. If the presidential hopefuls want to impress me then show me how you're going to keep me in a good paying job and protect the country in the time during your term in office.

michaeledward said:
Why not demonstrate your opposition to the 'mudslinging' by voting against the party the drew first blood .... Vote Democratic.
Probably because I don't want to be an ***. Taking sides in a mud-fight... :rolleyes: geez. Basically if I (personally) were to do that... then I'd have to go with the guy who reacts not with a negative comment/action back but goes on ignoring his opponent's skoolyard methods of winning popularity and forges ahead to explain how he's going to make this country a better place than the last guy.

michaeledward said:
Or just sit on the side ... don't participate in change ... just keep on keepin' on. Better the Devil we know, than the devil we don't.
I think that's what I've been doing. Not very patriotic I agree and probably not that helpful. But then the ones upon the hill aren't being that helpful in reducing the deficit, protecting us from invaders, keeping the military action to a minimum while maintaining it's strength, improving the quality of life for ALL of us (especially the poor and lower-middle class), uniting congress and the senate and all the others, so that they'll work together regardless of party and help us reach a level of national pride that we are the best country in the world.
michaeledward said:
What was your reaction to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?
MACaver said:
Didn't watch/read it ... didn't care to. .....

then I'd have to go with the guy who reacts not with a negative comment/action back but goes on ignoring his opponent's skoolyard methods.
Strange ....You decry all the mudslinging, but proclaim that you completely ignored the mudslinging that has been going on? How then do you know that your proclaimed 'mudslinging' occurred at all?

To the second point. Senator Kerry's Nomination Convention included very little name calling; very little denigration of his opponent.

If you really were spelunking during the month of August, Senator Kerry did not respond to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth commercials for several weeks. He allowed the baseless lies to go unanswered, and unchallenged.

The result of the Senator attempting to take your desired 'High-Road' was a severe penalty in people saying they were going to vote for him.

And now ... after he has demonstrably attempted to follow your prescription, and been forced by the opposition to take up these arms in the conflict, you do not reward his efforts to stay unsullied, you prove the tactics correct. If enough name calling gets done ... the name callers can scare away from the polls thoughtful citizens.

Once again ... we lose.

Back on topic....:)

I could care less when they get the S*O*B, as long as they get him.

If all the "undecideds" out there decide to vote for GW simply because Bin Laden was captured, they are choosing to ignore GW's failings in other vital areas involved in running the country, including the Iraq war.
