I copied a post that I had in another forum for your reading pleasure:
Now I want to focus on the precedence we have set for preemption. This administration has essentially set the precedence that we can go in, attack, and essentially take over a country based on any one of these 4: #1. They are "harboring terrorists" #2. They have weapons of Mass destruction (nuclear, biological, or chemical) #3. They violate human rights #4. They aren't a democracy.
Thoughts? Do you think that this is as dangerous as I think it is?
Your friend,
Condiliza Rice
Cool. I'm glad you'll defend that, as will I, so we are on the same side of the table in that regards. Yes, I see the problems in a socialist society; and that problem is that the rights of the individual are taken away. This is also the problem in a communist society.
The problem that America is facing right now is that we have created a fascist republic under the guise of patriotism, capitalism, and a free-market society. A definition of fascism is, "When business interest and government interest merge to control the populous through propaganda and force." (American heritage dictionary). A definition of republic is, "a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law." (marriam-webster dictionary). The republic part is a good thing, but obviously the fascism part is not. If your interested in learning about how the lobbying process and the campaign financing process works, then you'll learn how business interests and government interests are able to be one in the same at times. If youÂ’re interested in learning about things like how PR groups operate and how things like "packaged news stories" get to the public, then you'll learn about how corporate/government propaganda works. I could list more and more things. Yet, if electronic voting machines become more prevalent, then we may not even be a republic any more; as we will have essentially lost our right to vote.
The loss of individualism is just as prevalent in our country as a socialist government system. Certain concepts that make capitalism a good idea has eroded over the years; namely the concept of free and fair competition in business. Our civil liberties erode away more and more with each election, as more and more gun control laws, laws against victimless crimes, and laws against basic human rights are passed, such as our recent patriot act.
Our founding fathers of the U.S. designed our system to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals. Our current system does not protect these rights. Neither would a socialist or communist system. So...solution? The only solution is to create something unique that concerned for individual rights, a social conscience, and an economically free environment.
Now, in regards to foreign policy, the way our current administration has handled the terrorist situation is abhor able, in my opinion. They have set a dangerous precedence of preemption based on 4 basic premises. This administration has essentially set the precedence that we can go in, attack, and essentially take over a country based on any one of these 4: #1. They are "harboring terrorists" #2. They have weapons of Mass destruction (nuclear, biological, or chemical) #3. They violate human rights #4. They aren't a democracy.
The problem with this as the standard for preemption is that you can't name one country that doesn't do one of those 4 things. Let's look at us (the U.S.) for example. It could be argued that we harbor terrorists (look at the McVeigh's or the world), it could be argued that we violate human rights (look at the prison scandal, as well as the search and seizure process under the patriot act), we have WMDs (nukes and god-knows what else), and a majority did not elect our president. Now...we may have justifications for all of this, but none of this matter. If another country was ballzy enough, they could pre-emptively attack us on the same premises that we used to attack Iraq. could say, "wait, we DO have a democratic process!" before they attack us, just like Iraq said, "wait...we don't have WMD's!"
So, you see, in regards to foreign policy, our standard for preemption is far too broad. So, what does this allow? It allows us to go into any country on the premise of one of those 4 things; but because of our capitalistic structure, we will only go into those countries that will benefit our U.S. companies and government financially (it is more beneficial to attack Iraq for their oil, then Korea, for example). So, essentially, this precedence that our administration has created allows us to attack anyone we want preemptively on the basis of 4 things, when the true motive is profitability. This is very dangerous, as under this precedence, we become the terrorists, not them.
Now, don't get me wrong, Saddam was a horrible dictator and I am glad he is out. Bin Laden is an evil person and I hope he is captured (as I predict he will right before November). However, we could have done this without setting dangerous standards of preemption, just as we could protect our soil from terrorism without civil-rights intrusive laws like the patriot act, and just like we can prevent and catch murders without overbearing gun control and weapon control laws. You see, the ends rarely justify the means when you are dealing with politics and policy.
Sorry for the ramble. I hope you didn't find my above comments or my original post intrusive or accusatory. Again, that is not my intent. I just thought I'd offer a different point of view. My main point in my original post was to say that just because someone may not be in agreement with you, or just because you don't understand someoneÂ’s viewpoint, that doesn't mean that they are wrong, or stupid, or (fill in negative statement here). I am not accusing, and saying that is what you or anyone was doing; I am just reminding, because I was not sure of the tone here.
And really, all I am saying, is give peace a chance.
Thank you,
John Lenin
Now I want to focus on the precedence we have set for preemption. This administration has essentially set the precedence that we can go in, attack, and essentially take over a country based on any one of these 4: #1. They are "harboring terrorists" #2. They have weapons of Mass destruction (nuclear, biological, or chemical) #3. They violate human rights #4. They aren't a democracy.
Thoughts? Do you think that this is as dangerous as I think it is?
Your friend,
Condiliza Rice