Thousands In Favor Of Undocumented Immegrants To Get License


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About 2,000 supporters of a pair of bills that would permit undocumented immigrants to obtain a Connecticut drivers license turned out for a public hearing Monday night.
The crowd filled the auditorium, cafeteria and gymnasium of Wilbur Cross High School, where members of the legislature's transportation committee had gathered to collect testimony.

They heard from Mayor John DeStefano, top legislative leaders and Catholic priests. But they also heard from dozens of illegal immigrants, who brought deeply personal stories, in both English and Spanish, of how they must drive to get to work, or to pick up their children, even though they are breaking the law and live in fear of being stopped by police.

"We're always scared,'' said Veronica Noria, a factory worker in her 20s from Mexico who now lives in New Haven. "A lot of people get stopped on their way to work."
The debate in Connecticut comes as officials in Washington continue to spar over national immigration policy.
"We all know that our nation's immigration law is broken; this is part of the reason we have so many residents who lack legal credentials,'' said Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, a New Haven Democrat who introduced one of the proposals. "However, whatever may be your view on federal immigration policy, these individuals are residents of our communities and the question we need to answer is what policies regarding these residents will best serve the goals of enhanced public safety and sound public policy?"
Looney said the legislation represents "a common sense public safety measure" because more drivers would be trained and licensed. They would also be more likely to carry insurance.
As many of as 54,000 illegal immigrants would qualify if the legislation is approved. Connecticut would be the third state to enact such a law — New Mexico, Washington state and, most recently Illinois, all offer some form of drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Legislation is under consideration in several other states, including Massachusetts, Minnesota and California.
The Illinois law, signed by Gov. Pat Quinn earlier this year, provides illegal immigrants with the opportunity to obtain a special, three-year temporary license that cannot be used for identification to board an airplane or purchase a gun.
Melody A. Currey, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles, said such a policy "may be workable" here, and said she was willing to work with supporters of the bills.
Some critics have said issuing licenses to illegal immigrants opens the door to the potential for fraud, but supporters say there are enough safeguards in place to prevent that. No one who spoke Monday night opposed the bills.
Father James Manship, pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church in New Haven and a leading advocate for immigrant rights in the state, echoed Looney's argument that public safety will be enhanced if either Senate Bill 628 or Senate Bill 68 is approved by the legislature.
"Driving will be safer because more people be trained, tested and licensed," Manship told the committee. They will also have a greater stake in the civic life of the state.
But ultimately, Manship and others who back the bills say, it's a matter of fairness.
"To simply be able to drive your kids to school, to work and to do what so many of us take for granted —essential parts of life. It isn't possible for a great majority of our parishioners.
"Our folks want to drive legally, they want to buy a car, they want to pay sales tax, register their cars, insure them, pay their propety taxes to their municipalities,'' Manship said. "And they really want to wait in line at DMV to get their license."

Thoughts? I'm sure Ct. isn't the only state in which this is happening. Personally, I'd like to see them also be on a path to becoming legal citizens of the state. I'm also curious as to what the safety features are, that for some reason, weren't talked about, to prevent fraud. As I've said before, if someone wants to better themselves, their family, and wants to come here, fine. But do it legally!! IMHO, allowing them to get a DL and not make them go thru the steps to become legal citizens, isn't helping the situation.,0,7017935.story

Thoughts? I'm sure Ct. isn't the only state in which this is happening. Personally, I'd like to see them also be on a path to becoming legal citizens of the state. I'm also curious as to what the safety features are, that for some reason, weren't talked about, to prevent fraud. As I've said before, if someone wants to better themselves, their family, and wants to come here, fine. But do it legally!! IMHO, allowing them to get a DL and not make them go thru the steps to become legal citizens, isn't helping the situation.

About 2,000 supporters of a pair of bills that would permit undocumented immigrants to obtain a Connecticut drivers license turned out for a public hearing Monday night.
The crowd filled the auditorium, cafeteria and gymnasium of Wilbur Cross High School, where members of the legislature's transportation committee had gathered to collect testimony.

They heard from Mayor John DeStefano, top legislative leaders and Catholic priests. But they also heard from dozens of illegal immigrants, who brought deeply personal stories, in both English and Spanish, of how they must drive to get to work, or to pick up their children, even though they are breaking the law and live in fear of being stopped by police.

They are breaking the law just being here by other than legal permission. They only fear being stopped as if they get caught in that illegal status they might, maybe, get deported in a few years.

"We're always scared,'' said Veronica Noria, a factory worker in her 20s from Mexico who now lives in New Haven. "A lot of people get stopped on their way to work."
The debate in Connecticut comes as officials in Washington continue to spar over national immigration policy.
"We all know that our nation's immigration law is broken; this is part of the reason we have so many residents who lack legal credentials,'' said Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, a New Haven Democrat who introduced one of the proposals. "However, whatever may be your view on federal immigration policy, these individuals are residents of our communities and the question we need to answer is what policies regarding these residents will best serve the goals of enhanced public safety and sound public policy?"

Underlined: Are they legal residents, and does that matter?

Looney said the legislation represents "a common sense public safety measure" because more drivers would be trained and licensed. They would also be more likely to carry insurance.
As many of as 54,000 illegal immigrants would qualify if the legislation is approved. Connecticut would be the third state to enact such a law — New Mexico, Washington state and, most recently Illinois, all offer some form of drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Legislation is under consideration in several other states, including Massachusetts, Minnesota and California.
The Illinois law, signed by Gov. Pat Quinn earlier this year, provides illegal immigrants with the opportunity to obtain a special, three-year temporary license that cannot be used for identification to board an airplane or purchase a gun.
Melody A. Currey, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles, said such a policy "may be workable" here, and said she was willing to work with supporters of the bills.
Some critics have said issuing licenses to illegal immigrants opens the door to the potential for fraud, but supporters say there are enough safeguards in place to prevent that. No one who spoke Monday night opposed the bills.
Father James Manship, pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church in New Haven and a leading advocate for immigrant rights in the state, echoed Looney's argument that public safety will be enhanced if either Senate Bill 628 or Senate Bill 68 is approved by the legislature.
"Driving will be safer because more people be trained, tested and licensed," Manship told the committee. They will also have a greater stake in the civic life of the state.
But ultimately, Manship and others who back the bills say, it's a matter of fairness.
"To simply be able to drive your kids to school, to work and to do what so many of us take for granted —essential parts of life. It isn't possible for a great majority of our parishioners.
"Our folks want to drive legally, they want to buy a car, they want to pay sales tax, register their cars, insure them, pay their propety taxes to their municipalities,'' Manship said. "And they really want to wait in line at DMV to get their license."

Note the underlined part: Is it a matter of fairness or of law? If they are driving cars, you know they already have further broken laws by obtaining false identification. Then they use that identification to register the car, obtain insurance for it (a necessary part of registration in all states afik) They are paying sales tax if they are buying anything in a state that has sales tax. It can't be avoided. Same with pay property taxes if they have a house. It requires a lot of background information to check out that the person appears to be legal.

Our current illegal immigrant population is a real problem. It has not been addressed by several administrations, so has gotten worse as time went by. What I have seen implies there are 12 or more million illegal immigrants, and that usually in the context of illegal latin immigrants. I suspect there are more. There are also a lot of Korean, Chinese, and African illegal immigrants. They are here, and many are making a lot of money. Some of them are willing to work long hours at ardous jobs to make more money. But they are here. Prince William County in Virginia made it legal for police to stop and identify illegal status or not. The houseing market took a plunge as primerly latin families left for other jurisdictions that did not do that.

They all fear deportation. However, many I have seen are quite satisfied with their living arrangements. They have free medical care. They don't pay taxes other than what their employer may (or may not) take out in withholding taxes. If they buy a house, they will have to show taxes paid, with legal (or normally illegal) papers. Many send significant portions of the money they do make back to their home countries and their families there, and that economy. It is not spent here in our economy. Look at all the little stores that have prominent signs that say they send money to the illegal immigrant's home country, and you can guess a lot of money escapes our economy.

I don't really know what the solution is, other than to send them all back to their home country. If they have children, they and the children have a decision to make. But I don't know if such a thing is possible. It wouldn't be cheap. And that would not ensure they wouldn't return.

But I don't see legalizing them en masse either. That would only encourage a mass stampede to get here within whatever time frame is set up for illegal immigrants to be given legal status. My personal preference would be that anyone who comes to this country illegally is deported. But it may be too big for that now. I sure would like to hear some good suggestions that are not just feel good solutions for a dream world.

My state, Virginia, is not really looking to legalize illegal immigrants, in fact, mostly the opposite.
They are breaking the law just being here by other than legal permission. They only fear being stopped as if they get caught in that illegal status they might, maybe, get deported in a few years.

I agree. A friend of mine works for ICE. He was telling me about this, and he thinks its complete BS.

Underlined: Are they legal residents, and does that matter?

Martin Looney...yeah, his name suits him IMHO, his statement sounds more like a political line than anything else. Yes Martin, if this law gets passed and your name is attached, it'll be that many more votes for your sorry ***.

Note the underlined part: Is it a matter of fairness or of law? If they are driving cars, you know they already have further broken laws by obtaining false identification. Then they use that identification to register the car, obtain insurance for it (a necessary part of registration in all states afik) They are paying sales tax if they are buying anything in a state that has sales tax. It can't be avoided. Same with pay property taxes if they have a house. It requires a lot of background information to check out that the person appears to be legal.

Yes, amazing how those important little details get left out of the article.

Our current illegal immigrant population is a real problem. It has not been addressed by several administrations, so has gotten worse as time went by. What I have seen implies there are 12 or more million illegal immigrants, and that usually in the context of illegal latin immigrants. I suspect there are more. There are also a lot of Korean, Chinese, and African illegal immigrants. They are here, and many are making a lot of money. Some of them are willing to work long hours at ardous jobs to make more money. But they are here. Prince William County in Virginia made it legal for police to stop and identify illegal status or not. The houseing market took a plunge as primerly latin families left for other jurisdictions that did not do that.

Yes, the system really is broke and really does need fixing. When/if it'll ever happen...well, I haven't a clue. You're right though...they're certainly willing to work, but as I've said, I'm fine with that. Its the illegal shady **** they do, that needs to stop. Wanna work? Wanna collect the same benefits I do? Fine, get your *** to the right place and make yourself legal!

They all fear deportation. However, many I have seen are quite satisfied with their living arrangements. They have free medical care. They don't pay taxes other than what their employer may (or may not) take out in withholding taxes. If they buy a house, they will have to show taxes paid, with legal (or normally illegal) papers. Many send significant portions of the money they do make back to their home countries and their families there, and that economy. It is not spent here in our economy. Look at all the little stores that have prominent signs that say they send money to the illegal immigrant's home country, and you can guess a lot of money escapes our economy.

Of course, whats that saying...why buy the cow when you can get the milf for free. LOL!

I don't really know what the solution is, other than to send them all back to their home country. If they have children, they and the children have a decision to make. But I don't know if such a thing is possible. It wouldn't be cheap. And that would not ensure they wouldn't return.

Likewise, I dont know what the solution is either. I'd say a start would be to make them legal. From there, don't know.

But I don't see legalizing them en masse either. That would only encourage a mass stampede to get here within whatever time frame is set up for illegal immigrants to be given legal status. My personal preference would be that anyone who comes to this country illegally is deported. But it may be too big for that now. I sure would like to hear some good suggestions that are not just feel good solutions for a dream world.

My state, Virginia, is not really looking to legalize illegal immigrants, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Where is the headline: Tens of Millions in favor of enforcing Immigration law?

Silent majority. :uhyeah:

Good question. I don't know for sure other than it definitely isn't PC to attack undocumented aliens. We don't normally talk about illegal aliens in other terms. That gives them a cover. Illegal would mean just that. Undocumented implies no illegality, in fact just some technicality that needs to be corrected.

The press is quick to tell the sad stories of illegal aliens, oops, I mean undocumented aliens, who will suffer much hardship if they can't get legal status. I don't hear on anything about the illegal documentations they do get, and the problems it can cause legal citizens.

There is much coverage of demonstrations by illegal aliens asking for legal status. If there are any demonstrations against that, I haven't seen much coverage of it.

Even our President has decided to take their side. At least I think so. I haven't heard much since before the elections.

What do you think?
We started issuing licenses here to illegals and the fed stepped in and said our licenses were no longer valid for federal identification purposes ie. Getting on air planes ect. We had to go back change the law so now you have to provide a SSN# to get a license if not your license will state at the top not valid for federal identification purposes. I only know this from getting fake DLs for my undercover work. When the law changed we had a hard time getting licenses without that disclaimer on top. We had to get fake ssn#s from the social security administration.

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