42-2-107 and 42-2-302 CRS requires applicants for a Colorado driver's license or identification card to submit proof of age, name and lawful presence, as the department may require. Applicants must present two different documents. One document must be from the proof of age/lawful presence list. The second document may be from either the proof of age/lawful presence or proof of name list. The proof must be the original document, an amended original document or a true copy certified by the issuing agency. Notary seals, notary stamps, photocopies, miniatures or "wallet size" copies are NOT acceptable.
Colorado renewal or duplicate applicants, with a photograph on file with the department, must present one document from either list.
Per 42-2-107(3)(a) CRS and 42-2-302(1)(a) CRS, if you have been issued a Social Security Number, you must provide your number to be processed for an identification card or for any instruction permit or Driver's License.
Click here for more information on Social Security Number requirements.
NOTE: The department may require additional documentation and/or further verification of documents presented, as it deems necessary, to establish a person's identity or age. Customers presenting any of the following documents for identification:
- US Passport - an additional document from the proof of age/lawful presence list is required with a US passport.
- Any Texas birth certificate
- Any Puerto Rico birth certificate
- Tribal ID card
will be required to present an additional identification document along with the current requirements. Documents presented must be from the established list of acceptable identification documents. Out of state driver's licenses or ID cards do not qualify as an additional document. A. Proof of Age/Lawful Presence
1.Out of state issued photo driver's license or photo identification card expired one year or less. (Out-of-state identification cards and licenses require additional documentation from List A for proof of lawful presence.)
2. Any Colorado Driver's License, Colorado 7-day Affidavit and Notice of Revocation or Affidavit and Notice of Suspension, or Colorado identification card that matches the photograph on file with the department. Documents expired over one year require additional identification. (Colorado identification cards issued between 060197- 070198 require additional documentation from List A for proof of lawful presence.)
3. Certified birth certificate (Federal, State, County, Dept. of Justice, Dept. of State and Bureau of Indian Affairs) Birth certificates issued by the hospital are NOT acceptable. City-issued birth certificates are accepted only from New York City's 5 boroughs and Washington DC.
4. US Passport expired less than 10 years - an additional document from the proof of age/lawful presence list is required with a US passport. Out-of-state driver's licenses or ID cards do
not qualify as an additional document.
5. Valid foreign passport with I-94 or valid Processed For I551 stamp; NO B1, B2, WT, WB, CP or NC status. (Status F, J, H, etc., requires verification of a Colorado connection through the sponsoring entity and original letter, by the Colorado employer, of Colorado employment or verification of education through the valid DS-2019 or I-20AB.)
6. I94 with refugee/asylee status. *Must provide either an Employment Authorization Card or an original letter, on agency letterhead, from the legal agency providing assistance. Letter to be surrendered to Driver License.
7. Valid I551 Resident Alien/Permanent Resident card. NO border crosser or USA B1/B2 Visa/BCC cards.
8. Valid I688 (photo temporary resident card), I688B and I766 (photo employment authorization card)
9. Valid US military ID (active duty, dependent, retired, reserve and National Guard)
10. Tribal Identification Card
11. United States or United States Territory Certified court order of adoption, (must include date of birth)
12. Certificate of Naturalization with intact photo.
13. Certificate of (US) Citizenship with intact photo.
B. Proof of Name:
If the name is different from the document presented for proof of age/lawful presence or the applicant is changing the name on an established record, any of the following documents are acceptable in addition to the document presented for proof of age/lawful presence. NO photocopies.
1. Certified marriage certificate, US, city, county, state or foreign issued (foreign language documents may require translation) NO church documents.
2. Certified divorce decree, US or foreign, with a case number and official signature (foreign language documents require translation)
3. Certified court order of name change, US or foreign, with case number and official signature (foreign language documents require translation)
4. Valid US Military ID (active duty, dependent, retired, reserve and National Guard)
5. Tribal Identification card
6. Out of state issued photo Driver's License or photo identification card expired one year or less.