Purple Belt
If you or someone you know have ever used Taekwondo in a real life situation, what was the situation? If you can remember, what exactly did you do?
Taekwondo I have only used once. In high school I was being picked on by another student and I spear handed him under his ribs with number two straight out of taegeuk 4.
An older black belt at our studio works as a prison guard and had to use it on a wily prisoner once. Him and another guard were moving him from one cell to another and he apparently started flailing around. The other guard backed away. The prisoner swung his hands at the older black belt. He stepped in with a palm heel against his chest. I don't quite remember what happens next but I remembered that he finally got the guy down by using a front snap kick against his throat. I thought that was pretty cool.
Taekwondo I have only used once. In high school I was being picked on by another student and I spear handed him under his ribs with number two straight out of taegeuk 4.
An older black belt at our studio works as a prison guard and had to use it on a wily prisoner once. Him and another guard were moving him from one cell to another and he apparently started flailing around. The other guard backed away. The prisoner swung his hands at the older black belt. He stepped in with a palm heel against his chest. I don't quite remember what happens next but I remembered that he finally got the guy down by using a front snap kick against his throat. I thought that was pretty cool.