those who have Used Taekwondo


Purple Belt
If you or someone you know have ever used Taekwondo in a real life situation, what was the situation? If you can remember, what exactly did you do?
Taekwondo I have only used once. In high school I was being picked on by another student and I spear handed him under his ribs with number two straight out of taegeuk 4.

An older black belt at our studio works as a prison guard and had to use it on a wily prisoner once. Him and another guard were moving him from one cell to another and he apparently started flailing around. The other guard backed away. The prisoner swung his hands at the older black belt. He stepped in with a palm heel against his chest. I don't quite remember what happens next but I remembered that he finally got the guy down by using a front snap kick against his throat. I thought that was pretty cool.
Last summer, I was in DC with a friend of mine and I had to go out to my car since I left my wallet in there. I went to the front desk to ask if the gate was open and they said there was a side door I could go through in the I started walking outside to the gate where the opening was...I got to it and pushed the gate open and it stuck so I said outloud to myself....lets try pulling it...then from nowhere comes a hand on my right side that grabbed the gate!! I went right into a fighting stance and nearly struck out at the person!! He took a step back and I realized it was the older security guard that followed me out to make sure nothing happened to me! LOL I told him he needed to let me know he was there or I could have hurt him! HAHA!! That is the reason he quickly stepped back...he knew that I meant business when I reacted so quickly!
I don't practice Tae Kwon Do, but I wanted to share a true story I heard.

One of my older friends used to teach Tae Kwon Do for many years and he taught good strong technique. Anyway, one of his teenage female students moved away to another state. He got a call maybe a year later from either the girl or her grateful parents to say that Tae Kwon Do saved her! What happened was she was at school and a couple of boys jumped her and dragged her behind the building. She couldn't move her arms as they had her pinned, but the moment her legs were free from her pants (they were going to rape her), she used her powerful kicks and not only got away safe, but beat those boys down! :-partyon:

That's what I call awesome! :highfive:

Robyn :D
When I was young and stupid, I was in an altercation at a college party. I don't even remember what started it, but a fairly big guy grabbed the front my shirt with his left hand and was about to nail me with a right hook to the head.

I pushed right against him to avoid the punch, head-butting him at the same time. Then pushing against his top, I simultaneously swept his leg. He went down pretty hard and I was able to walk away without any injury.

I did not study form applications back then, but this was a self-defense tech I had drilled over and over again as a teenager studying TKD. In retrospect, the very same move can be extrapolated from any form with a lead hand block and then advancing lunge punch like Chon-Ji or Pinan Shodan (Pyung Ahn Chodan).

Patterns have good stuff in them if you take the time to study them and then practice the moves with a resisting partner. Or, at the very least drill realistic self-defense techniques as I had so that they become instinctive and reactionary. This is the material that saves your life much more so than the typical sparring combinations we practice for sport karate.
I use TKD everyday, I train and remember not to be in certain stituation. All kidding aside a couple of time and I did well I guess I am still here.
Fun stories are fun. There are so many great possibilities of Taekwondo and so few realize it... Ahhh well!
Just once. I was at a nice bar with my wife and two other nice couple having a drink and a chat, this bar was a good one, I mean you could go with you girl, everyone know each other,it was a realy nice bar,with cero problems.

That night was the night Julio Cesar Chaves fought against Hector "Macho" Camacho, this fight for the Mexicans was with high spectation and the bar was crowded with guys who wehere drinking till 6 pm, we didi'nt realice this, believe me. Well we had a nice evening and when leaving the bar one of the girls went to the bathroom and she was very upset, some drunk fellow graved her butt and my friend went to punch the guy without realicing the drunk guy was with 4 drunk fellows, so myself and my cousing had to react upon the fight so we run and tackle the four guys using our..... well..... rounded body to smash these guys against the floor, that's was all, they could not stand up, and we decid to go out the bar to our homes.

I did not use any TKD technike I only reacted that way tackling, sorry, but maybe if the fight will continue I will use my fists and short kicks.

Not my story really, but one night in class I was working with a female BB during a hosinsul session. I showed her how to do a triangle choke, and some other groundfighting stuff.

A few weeks later she told me she used the triangle to choke out a guy who was trying to rape her. Kinda left me feeling O_o

Glad she got out of it but geeze, what a crappy situation to have to extract yourself from.
A lot of stories involving violating women... How sad... But glad it works!

I think we would be shocked at how many assaults on women are unreported each year, particularly so in Third World countries where women often have no legal recourse against their attackers.

Just think about all the (likely drunken) antics you seen at places like bars or parties by overly aggressive men trying to pair with women...
Well, I was in school talking to one of my friends, when some idiot came up behind me and just kicked me in my... private area. I stumbled back into a chair. He started to advance on me, and I sprang up, and caught him in the rib with an uppercut. He groaned, and never bothered me again. I guess thats not technically tae-kwon-do, but any strength training I got from it, certainly helped!
Well, I was in school talking to one of my friends, when some idiot came up behind me and just kicked me in my... private area. I stumbled back into a chair. He started to advance on me, and I sprang up, and caught him in the rib with an uppercut. He groaned, and never bothered me again. I guess thats not technically tae-kwon-do, but any strength training I got from it, certainly helped!

Sounds like a Taekwon-Do "upward punch" to me. Usually aimed at the opponents chin, but obviously can work against other targets.


more of a reaction from women's self-defense in college... but still a funny story.
my friend snuck up behind me to drop an ice cube down my shirt without my knowledge. she never got to drop the ice cube though. i felt a tickle from the neck of my shirt and then my friend was on the ground and i was standing over her with her fingers in my hand.
I used what we used for self-defense against a cross lapel grab once.

Situation I am exiting a business dinner party off a yacht in Milwaukee at thing called Miller Maritime days. I was with my wife looking for my brother and sister to go home. We were fairly well dressed. A boyfriend girlfriend fight broke out, needless to say after no one offered to step in I did. I stepped in between the couple, he decided he'd try to punch through me and he went down with lapel grab, elbow guidance a chicken wing, wrist lock and body in to his body. I did have to offer his group of friends his broken neck if they wanted to continue to advance on me. Negotiations went well after that.

For the most part I keep my Martial Arts to classes and private training. I am kind of digital, difficult to provoke but I start negotiations with a kick knee.
I used what we used for self-defense against a cross lapel grab once.

Situation I am exiting a business dinner party off a yacht in Milwaukee at thing called Miller Maritime days. I was with my wife looking for my brother and sister to go home. We were fairly well dressed. A boyfriend girlfriend fight broke out, needless to say after no one offered to step in I did. I stepped in between the couple, he decided he'd try to punch through me and he went down with lapel grab, elbow guidance a chicken wing, wrist lock and body in to his body. I did have to offer his group of friends his broken neck if they wanted to continue to advance on me. Negotiations went well after that.

For the most part I keep my Martial Arts to classes and private training. I am kind of digital, difficult to provoke but I start negotiations with a kick knee.
Oooh, that's an interesting one. ^~^