This is going to hurt

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
OK I am returning to Xingyi, a couple days to go before my Xingyi Sifu tells me I have not been training hard enough during my break and I take a training beating.

But now this too;

It appears my Sanda Sifu feels he is not getting enough exercise and I apparently have not beaten enough trees, so he has decided that everyday next week... during lunch, rain, snow, cold, heat, flood, tornado or earthquake we are to get together and train during lunch, outside.

This should be good, go to work, go to lunch, take a beating and go back to work.

If by this time next week I can still walk and type I will be surprised.

Now watch I will show up at Tai Chi next week and my Tai Chi Sifu will decide to work heavily on applications and free style push hands.

I'm doomed or at least soon to be in need of LOTS of acupuncture
OK I am returning to Xingyi, a couple days to go before my Xingyi Sifu tells me I have not been training hard enough during my break and I take a training beating.

But now this too;

It appears my Sanda Sifu feels he is not getting enough exercise and I apparently have not beaten enough trees, so he has decided that everyday next week... during lunch, rain, snow, cold, heat, flood, tornado or earthquake we are to get together and train during lunch, outside.

This should be good, go to work, go to lunch, take a beating and go back to work.

If by this time next week I can still walk and type I will be surprised.

Now watch I will show up at Tai Chi next week and my Tai Chi Sifu will decide to work heavily on applications and free style push hands.

I'm doomed or at least soon to be in need of LOTS of acupuncture

The the energy flow through you. :)

I wish you lots of wellness.
Good grief - that is going to be rough!

I suggest you stock up with:

  • tylenol, advil and/or motrin;
  • ice packs, icy/hot and a heating pad
  • gym membership for use of steam room and jacuzzi
  • Jaegermeister, sake or any favorite reality blurring and pain erasing libation
Just remember... pain is nothing more than weakness leaving your body... and whatever doesn't kill you... DOES makes you stronger...

And IÂ’d recommend Southern Comfort 100-proof... for purely medicinal purposes of course!

Simply pour a highball of SoCo over ice... rub some on the affected area... then down the rest with a chaser!

Miracle stuff that SoCo!

Best of luck making it through the week, Brother!

Your Brother in the arts,

Xue all I can say is enjoy!
I am reminded of two quotes who said them I can no longer rembember.

"The human body is a freak of nature. We are the only animal in the world that gets stronger the more we abuse our bodies."

"Humans are an odd species... no other animal on the planet would purposely put themselves in repetitive pain. I suppose that if you find the ultimate pain everything else is easy."

Good luck :) I just started working out again after 10 years a break.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for my Sifu is by far the scariest thing in this whole damn valley. :)

I have said this in another post here on MT that it is this sort of thing that we all do as martial artist and enjoy doing. But it is this sort of thing that likely make the rest of society think we are insane, but I would not have it any other way.

Just as a note; it is raining and in the 40s here today so this should be good.... and just let me get this out if the way before I go....ouch.

Time to go to training now.
Limps over to his PC and logs on.

Word of advice if you ever train non-sport Sanda with a Sifu from North China; Never EVER tell him about how happy you are about the new heavy bag you just got, as a matter of fact donÂ’t even tell him you have a heavy bag at all, he will think your not training hard enough and make you hit a lot of trees, or at least keep up with him

Although he did not say so I believe he feels a heavy bag is a waste of money and for sissies, or at least has no idea why you would want once since there are so many trees. Trees are cheaper, harder and work better and a heavy bag moves and is too soft. I am training to hit and hit hard and a tree is better for that than a heavy bag for toughening my hands, arms, legs, forearms, elbows (ouch), feet, etc. What is really concerning me is that there are head strikes in Sanda and I am not looking forward to head butting a tree.

OK that is the lecture I received now although my arms not too bad, palms are somewhere between tingling and completely numb however, I have gotten use to hitting trees with my hands, my legs are a different story. And never loose your concentration when you are kicking a tree with the outside of your left foot (kind of like the leg kick you see in Muay Thai) because if you do you hit with your ankle and then you walk with a limp... NOT that I would know because that is what happened today.... Now I will shut down, turn around and limo to my car and go home.

I likely won't post anymore about this since basically it is entirely unexciting to read about the boring details, and I have probably taken the tree pounding posts to far already, but as much as I should probably say that was too much and I'm done, it wasn't and I AM going back tomorrow :)
Can we get some video of you headbutting a tree? :boing2:

no... I can't figure out how to head but a tree and hold the camera study...

To be honest I am hoping that is trained differently, additionally, I am afraid to ask if it is or not.

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