WAHOOOOO Xingyiquan

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Well 2 days in to 2007 and I got some good news. My Xingyi Sifu has changed his schedule and I can now return to official Xingyi training.

Good thing I kept standing Santi, he is big on Santi, now if I can just get the 5 element forms back (in a week) so he doesn't beat the living daylights out of me for not practicing the forms I'll be fine.

Trees ain't got nothing on him, he hits back....HARD :uhyeah:
That's great news Xue. (Good thing you spent some time giving those trees the once over...at least you'll be a little prepared) :D
That's great news Xue. (Good thing you spent some time giving those trees the once over...at least you'll be a little prepared) :D

True but my Xingyi teacher does not care about trees, I think he feels the same about trees as Bruce lee felt about boards in enter the dragon; Trees do not hit back. But I would not tell this to my Sanda teacher or he would likely beat me like a tree and not give me much chance to hit back.

I am happy to say that I do have piquan roughed out again, 1 element down, 4 to go and then I get to go see how hard he beats (not beat up but work hard) on me to see if I have been training.

I have to say of all the sifus I have had over the years my Xingyi Sifu hits the hardest and is the most relaxed doing it. Since I had the most MA experience in his class I was the one he did most applications with the brief time I was there last. And although he never did hit me full force, (I have see that on a heavy bag though) the best description I can give here is holding a very heavy weight above someone and letting it drop. To be honest my first thought after the first app was sledgehammer.
There that’s better....

Since my return to Xingyi my sifu has actually been going pretty easy on me and to be honest it has like waiting for the other shoe to drop.

But today it all changed..... APPLICATIONS!!! and I do not know the Chinese equivalent term (sorry) but I was his UKE today.

All I can say is it was great I enjoyed myself immensely and I did learn a lot of little tiny details I had missed and let me end with the only other thing I have to say about class today......ouch
Sounds great, Xue. I myself started with external arts but found over the years the internal 'force' (power, speed, abililty to read intention, all while staying relaxed) has sort of grown on its own. What I'm saying is I can imagine that sledgehammer feel flowing from a relaxed master.

Have always wanted to study Xingyi, but has never been available locally. So, ya goes with what ya gots. Anyway, I'm happy for you. Hope you don't get hammered too much.:uhyeah:
Have always wanted to study Xingyi, but has never been available locally. So, ya goes with what ya gots. Anyway, I'm happy for you. Hope you don't get hammered too much.:uhyeah:

I know the feeling. My first Xingyi Sifu stopped teaching it several years ago and then I found my second Sifu just last year but our schedules simply did not match up well... Damn my office for not understanding what is important :uhyeah:

But he changed his schedule so now I am back and still recovering from my last class.