SLAM!!! straight into the wall

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
OK, I believe I have hit the wallÂ… slammed straight into it with a horrifically loud BANG. :banghead:

Time to change the workout or take a break form it, canÂ’t get motivated to do much, possibly over did it :confused: So many many trees.

My Sanda Sifu has happily decided to take a couple of week break from my daily beatings which is a good thing since the last few days I find I canÂ’t get myself up to train any of it not even beating trees. :disgust:

Also having a hard time doing any Tai Chi at all which will not bode well at class next week since my Sifu told me that if I can stand in santi shi for Xingyiquan I can also stand in single whip equally as long; 10 minutes of Santi 10 minutes of Single whip. (Word of advice, never EVER discuss your training in another internal style with your Tai Chi Sifu EVEN if he asks, which he did).

Luckily I can get motivated to do Xingyi, which is good because I am likely due another beating there soon, which would only be worse is I did not train.

What experience do others have with this?

I am taking the next couple of days off form training to see if it goes away and I can get motivated again before I see my sanda Sifu again, which will not be good if I don't train. Also I think I am going to switch back to an older workout sans the MA for a bit.

ThoughtsÂ…helpÂ…. anything.
Sounds like a full plate... maybe you're just full... and need some time to "digest" it all...

Taking a few days to do mental MA sounds like a good idea to me!

Best of luck getting over this "bump" in your training, my Friend!

Your Brother in the arts,

Take a couple of days off. Maybe watch a martial arts DVD or read a martial arts related book to inspire you after your break. I have hit the wall plenty of times and usually one of the above works for me. Even when they do not I drag myself down to training and just keep going!

Funny thing is as soon as I get going then I am usally inspired by whoever I am working with.
Give yourself a couple of days to let your brain and body heal. You'll be better for it.
Take a break. You sound like you are at risk for an overtraining injury, IMO. Better to take sometime and re-group.
Definately take a break. Take it for as long as you need to, and don't even think about martial arts while you do it.

Stay fit. Lift weights. Jog. Swim. Whatever.

But don't go back to martial arts until you really feel like you want to.
I agree with everyone else. Whenever I feel overtraining hit Ithe best thing to do is take a break. But I think it is important to have a goal date set so that you DO get back in. Exile, you do not at all sound like the type to not get back in, but for the benifit or the lurkers out there...I know so many people who were going to take "a few days off" and a few days turns into a few weeks, into a few months, into forever. So regardless of what time frame you set, before you take a break you should have already decided exactly when you are getting back in. For me one week is best, and by about the third day I am really wanting to get back in, and by the time the week is up I am racing up to the dojang.
Good luck!
Use the green tea to wash down a bowl or two of good chili before going to class. Nothing like blowing the person behind you through the wall in the middle of a class ;) Gives new meaning to "Internal Arts"...
Yep, sounds like you've got a bit too much on your plate right now. If Xingyi feels good, focus on that...don't worry about "missing out" on the other stufff. It all eventually comes together, anyway. :uhyeah:
Thanks to all, it is truly appreciated

I did take a couple of days off from just about everything except Xingyi, I am rather enjoying Xingyi. I also took a couple of days off from MT as well.

And I did read a book that I found on my bookshelf that I had not read in awhile and I found another I bought years ago that I apparently forgot about (NOT Ashida Kim – I SWEAR THAT BOOK WAS GIVEN TO ME) that I had not yet read so I am finishing that up now. Both are martial arts related but the philosophical side. And I did something I had not done in about 5 years; let me just say….DAMN I like doing a dead lift.

I think I got through, around, over under, that wall but I find I have to think about focusing even though the styles I train are all CMA and have similarities they also have some differences that can make it a bit confusing. And as I left my Xingyi class I began to think of the benefits of Bagua (I trained that a bit too many years ago), since I am training Hebei style Xingyi and it has no circle walking (as far as I know). And OF COURSE I also just found out my Xingyi teacher that I knew also taught Bagua is currently learning Yiquan. And thereÂ’s that DAMN Curse of the Perpetually Curious again :).

The book I am currently reading said something that made me think though, but not having the book with me I cannot post a direct quote at this time nor can I remember itÂ’s title exactly so if any are interested I will likely post it here later. It is about Budo which, even though I train CMA, I am seeing some interesting similarities.

Things are going to change in my training but I am having a problem excepting the change that I keep coming up with...time will tell.

Again Thanks to all.
Use the green tea to wash down a bowl or two of good chili before going to class. Nothing like blowing the person behind you through the wall in the middle of a class ;) Gives new meaning to "Internal Arts"...

He he he...maybe that's why nobody wants to spar me?

I go throiugh the motivation rollercaoster ride a couple times a year. The thing sometimes we overlook with martial arts is; it is a life time of commitment. I hope noone wil do this, but even taking a year off shouldn't effect your skills, ability yes but skills will still be with you. Look at the big picture. When you are 70-80 years old you will have your skills.

Taking a couples days off wont hurt. Don't get guilted out by it. Make sure you get back into it ASAP.
He he he...maybe that's why nobody wants to spar me?

I go throiugh the motivation rollercaoster ride a couple times a year. The thing sometimes we overlook with martial arts is; it is a life time of commitment. I hope noone wil do this, but even taking a year off shouldn't effect your skills, ability yes but skills will still be with you. Look at the big picture. When you are 70-80 years old you will have your skills.

Taking a couples days off wont hurt. Don't get guilted out by it. Make sure you get back into it ASAP.


I did take a couple of days off and I am back at it today.
The book I referred to previously that I am finishing is

Art of Strength
Art of Serenity
By: Nicklaus Suino

The one I just reread was

Zen in the Martial Arts
By Joe Hyams

They both helped getting by that wall.
I know what you need Xue!

Chocolate Pie!

JeffJ (assuming that is who you really are... Mr SFC JeffJ)

ok THAT'S IT the gloves are off.... NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!:tantrum:

So you resort to taunting now, first you refuse to give me the recipe and now you tell me it is what I need.... That's just mean..... Of course this is also why I like you so it’s a double edged sword. :uhyeah:

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