This is for all the school instructors

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Ok arnis you asked very politely and I can see that you are showing me respect so I will do the same with answering your question as politely as possible.

I studied in TKD for 3 years when I was younger and yes it has been along time since I have taken MA, but learning something as a kid has a tendancy to stick alittle bit more then when your adult.

This is why they say foreign languages for children is much easier :)
Carbon is 2 different people. One posts in a childish run on sentence, all jumbled together incoherent kinda way that asks crazy questions and the other is obviously an adult helping him defend himself in a coherent but rude way.

I have already had my run in with this guy and in the end I APOLOGISED TO HIM because I'm trying to be nice and honourable on this message board and not ruffle to many feathers.

Now my question to the moderators is.... how long are we supposed to let this guy (or 2 guys I should say) bully us around? He's always cutting down on others opinion or experiences and even calling them liars and this is after he did say he got all his information from books. This is a martial arts board and he should have more common sense than to insult martial artists on a board for us! If someone was trying to bully me in person I would defend myself but here we are expected to ignore this guy?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Lol two people? You do know that I am 16 but I am not of average intelligence. I am not saying I"m a genius because I"m not but can I talk in complete sentences yes. Since I am usually watching TV while I"m talking on here I have bad sentences or grammar problems.

You say that I call people liars? *laughs to himself* just becuase I said I didn't believe that you put a guy in an arm lock when he threw a punch at you, you automatically accuse me of calling everyone a liar.

I just think that you are threatened by someone who doesn't completely agree with everything you say.

Now I am not trying to argue, all I am saying is that I started a simple thread asking a question but in return I get Zoran making rude comments to me.

Now how would an adult act to this? Probably different and shrug it off...but how would a 16 year old male act on this? Defend himself and try to make himself understood to everyone that he doesn't like to be insulted.

Now this is me signing off since I have to go to bed tomorrow and go to school to read about things that I will never really truely comprehend because I never use it in the field....isn't that correct Kirk?
Originally posted by Carbon

I studied in TKD for 3 years when I was younger

Note that we do have a TKD forum as well.

This is why they say foreign languages for children is much easier

Current research shows that one processes a foreign language in a different area of the brain depending on whether one learned it early or late in life--that is, using a brain scan (I don't recall if it was MRI or PET) it's possible to determine when a person learned a foreign language by what area of the barin is activated when the try to speak it. It is discussed in this collection of essays.
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Now my question to the moderators is.... how long are we supposed to let this guy (or 2 guys I should say) bully us around? He's always cutting down on others opinion or experiences and even calling them liars and this is after he did say he got all his information from books. This is a martial arts board and he should have more common sense than to insult martial artists on a board for us! If someone was trying to bully me in person I would defend myself but here we are expected to ignore this guy?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I agree ... question to the moderators: Why are you letting the
integrity of this site depreciate like this?
Originally posted by Kirk

I agree ... question to the moderators: Why are you letting the
integrity of this site depreciate like this?

The moderators have been discussing amongst themselves how best to handle this issue.

-MT Mod-
Originally posted by Carbon

Now this is me signing off since I have to go to bed tomorrow and go to school to read about things that I will never really truely comprehend because I never use it in the field....isn't that correct Kirk?

Yes, that's exactly right. You can read all the books there are about paddling a canoe, but you're not anywhere near as
knowledgeable as the guy that amount of time actually

Sorry to inform you but my dad doesn't run the MA school anymore so no I can't ask him to let me sit in.

Do you have a room/back yard/garage/friend's house that your
dad can train you in? You may deny calling anyone a liar (but
you did) yet I will flat out come right out and say it. Carbon,
you're a liar! :mad: You DID say your only experience was
from a book. I doubt there's a swinging D!$* in here who values
your opinion in any way. At first I was embarassed for you ...
now, you're just plain sad. I'm upset with myself for even
bothering to adress you, but I too have a temper, and I can't
help but pointing you out for the dip$h!^ you are! Go find
another forum to mess up!
Now my question to the moderators is.... how long are we supposed to let this guy (or 2 guys I should say) bully us around? He's always cutting down on others opinion or experiences and even calling them liars and this is after he did say he got all his information from books. This is a martial arts board and he should have more common sense than to insult martial artists on a board for us! If someone was trying to bully me in person I would defend myself but here we are expected to ignore this guy?

If a member has an issue with another member, rather than engage in a flame war, please use the "Report to Mod" feature found be every message. Let us know -why- you have a problem with a particular post or person.

If you do not complain, we don't always catch everything. In regards to Carbon, I have received very few complaints on his posts. The Mods are aware of this issue here, and we have been discussing it. I can't drop the hammer on someone because of 1 complaint (unless its pretty obvious). I see the tone of alot of folks posts, but unless I have more people telling me theres a problem, we've been trying to let folks work things out themselves. Some issues have gone full circle, others have flared up. We try to cover everything, but some days we've had 300+ posts here. Just hard to keep up sometimes.

Carbon - Consider this a friendly warning. Based on the responce to some of your posts, and the private complaint I received, please watch the tone of your postings. This is a friendly forum, with one of its guidelines being 'respect the other members'. You don't have to agree with folks, but keep the tone respectful.

Everyone else - This is a friendly forum, with one of its guidelines being 'respect the other members'. You don't have to agree with folks, but keep the tone respectful.

Neither myself nor our mods wish to be post-police. We rely on our members to police themselves and stay within our forum guidelines. I'm not saying you can't say "X", I'm saying we have rules, and everyone agreed to them when you registered. If you didn't read them, please go do so now. I don't want this place so restrictive ya can't say "damn" without being banned for life, but I also won't let it turn into RMA either.

Problems : In a nutshell guys, if you have a problem, let us know. We will take care of it. Use the "Report to Mod" feature. We ALL get an email about the report. Our current mods can boot someone whos being a pain, and are well able to handle issues -when they are aware of them-.

If anyone has a problem with anyone, let us know. Its that simple.

Thank you.

Bob Hubbard
MartialTalk Admin.
Listen Carbon...if your really one person that posts in 2 completely different ways then fine. Now theres nothing wrong with you coming on here and asking all kinds of questions and I applaud your curiosity and eagerness to learn about martial arts but....for crying out loud to say all your information was from books and then to argue with people that actually fight full contact is.. well... ignorant. Do you argue with other types of teachers and experts in their field about what they do, when you have no experience in that field yourself? I just don't understand why you can't just ask your questions and then except the answers you get.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Well heck, it took me so long to type up that last post as nicley as I could that it's completely moot now. 4 replies including a moderator in the time it took me to type it. Dohp

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Well heck, it took me so long to type up that last post as nicley as I could that it's completely moot now. 4 replies including a moderator in the time it took me to type it. Dohp

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I did the same thing.
Let me add to Kaith's note a reminder that by going to a member's profile you can ignore them (you won't see their posts).

I always liked this USENET newsgroup advice:
I. Thou shalt not offend.
II. Thou shalt not be easily offended.

Many problems here could have been avoided by simply declining to reply to posts perceived as aggravating. As Kaith indicated, no one wants heavy-handed moderation. Look at USENET--we have rec.martial-arts, a cesspool of trolling, bigotry (largely trolling again I imagine), and other garbage, punctuated by occasional useful posts, and then we also have rec.martial-arts.moderated, low volume but high quality. The low volume is a reaction to the moderation I believe.

I firmly believe that a light hand is important for moderation. Squelching things too soon creates a chilling atmosphere even if it's needed. (Incidentally, I am not commenting on whether or not I thought it was necessary here. These are general comments.) Like Kaith, I feel that letting things be worked out is occasionally useful, and all the more so in the General forum (as opposed to an art-specific forum).

I want to say again: Many of these problems are more easily solved by those who find the comments aggravting simply ignoring them and moving on. One hopes a martial artist would ignore a perceived insult in real life; I hope for it here too! If you find a particular poster annoying, ignore them (either through software or by simply skipping them). It really is just that simple. Anyone who doesn't but instead comes back with more heat must share the guilt.

-MT Mod-
Hi Carbon,

1) A true M.A. would never challenge or except a challenge. We have nothing to prove to anyone except ourselves.

2) Why would anyone who knows the arts want to challenge another M.A.? after all if they really know their stuff, then they would know better.

3) no, it is not a religion, but to those of us who have dedicated our lives to it, it is a wasy of life.

4) Only those like yourself who have never taken the arts, would make such statements.

5) it is about character biulding, fighinting, self defense, and most of all knowing when not to fight.

That is all.

Carbon; your a good dude! Be yourself and be your age. The world is an open book! Read it and learn. Yeah, thanks Tae for your post! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
In response to Kirk the reason I can't train with my dad is because I don't live with him and hardly ever visit him. I didn't want to bring this up because you would probably say I was using it to try and get pity.

Now I know that the moderators said that my posts have a very argumenative tone, but in my posts I atleast do not if you examine Kirk's post who is directly trying to attack my character and not what I said is just childish.

I mean you say your an adult? You say you've trained but your lack of self control for being in the MA for 16 years astounds me. I mean for you to blatantly name call to a child and try to make him feel bad doesn't really make me sad, it makes you pathetic.

The reason I didn't bring up training in TKD for 3 years is because I did it when I was young and the training I did as a kid would never be full contact no. So this is why I didn't mention that I trained as a kid because you would of regarded it as useless information, this is why I only said that I've read books.

Shihantae yes I agree with what you said in your statements, except for why would anyone whoknows the arts want to challenge another MA? Well, if you are a professional fighter, and I know I didn't say professional fighter I'm just saying so please don't flame me for this, If your a professional fighter you usually try to get fights with high ranking MA so if you beat them you can go up in rank and win more money :)

And thank you for your advice Chiduce....I think your very kind and handle this situation well.
carbon, i am not going to disrespect you on purpose. thats not me and i just dont do that.

yes you are right. i do take the MA very seriously. you are training to defend yourself in life threatening situations. if taken any other way than seriously, it could cost you your life.

i never claimed to be a god of MA and i will never claim to know it all either. thats what makes MA so great, you can always learn something.

so perhaps you can learn something here also. read it before you post it, and start taking it seriously.
you said that if you are a proffesional fighter than you will make the challenge(paraphrased). If this is how you truly look at it, then you are missing the purpose of the martial arts. You are only looking at one aspect, and while that may help you in the may not help you on the street.

There is so much more to the arts, than just the fighting, or wanting to see who you can beat up. That's why I said, people who spend a life time in the arts, wouldn't make a challenge. To us it is a way of life..and a wasy to defend ourselves.

Don't get me wrong, I have spent my time in the full contact ring. But it was never about who was the best. It doesn't work that way. The person you beat today, may beat you tommorrow. It is about the fun. :)

Have a good day.
Originally posted by shihantae

Hi Carbon,

1) A true M.A. would never challenge or except a challenge. We have nothing to prove to anyone except ourselves.

2) Why would anyone who knows the arts want to challenge another M.A.? after all if they really know their stuff, then they would know better.

3) no, it is not a religion, but to those of us who have dedicated our lives to it, it is a wasy of life.

4) Only those like yourself who have never taken the arts, would make such statements.

5) it is about character biulding, fighinting, self defense, and most of all knowing when not to fight.

That is all.


I've only been in MA for 8 months, but reading stuff like this makes me feel so proud to be learning MA.
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