Scaring my kids into thinking that they are going to live on a post-apocolyptic dust ball is another issue alltogether.
Part of the challenge with this topic, is that the events can very well be extreme. And we have very little way to know for sure. The events of global warming could be more than just a tipping point, but a drastic, immediate change.
Sea levels for instance. Many people argue about the apocolyptic sea level changes that were reported as a possibility in 'An Inconvienent Truth'. The arguement that the sea levels, if they do change, they will change very slowly. There is no way the entire borrough of Manhattan will be underwater by the year 2030.
The fact is ... and scientists will tell you this ... is that we do not know.
We do know that arctic ice is evaporating. We do know that glaciers are accelerating in both flow, and evaporation. There is good modeling to indicate that the glacial ice packs can collapse; dramatically and suddenly.
We have never before witnessed or recorded a dramatic and sudden loss of glacial ice packs. So, we do not know what - or if - global climate change will trigger the sequences in the models, in the way the models have behaved.
We do know, however, that if all of the water locked in the glaciers of Greenland is released into the ocean, there will be an impact on the coastline. We don't know if it will be a rapid change, or a slower change.
What I do know, is that there will be impacts from the amount of carbon we are pumping into the atmosphere. And people who make jokes about Moose Farts are in denial. And that's not just a river in Egypt.