Thinking of a name change

I have actually and there is a difference between that and no protection.:)

My son broke one of my ribs last fall through the hogu...before we really learned that full power isn't desirable all the time. He's had people refuse to fight him again because of his body kicks (he's a colored belt). If we didn't train in hogus, that kind of injury would happen more often. It also lets us do hogu drills, putting footwork and combinations together on a moving person rather than a stationary bag. Right now I'm practicing with contact 2-3 times a week, something I don't think I could handle without the hogu. When we work full power, we usually wear two hogus.
My son broke one of my ribs last fall through the hogu...before we really learned that full power isn't desirable all the time. He's had people refuse to fight him again because of his body kicks (he's a colored belt). If we didn't train in hogus, that kind of injury would happen more often. It also lets us do hogu drills, putting footwork and combinations together on a moving person rather than a stationary bag. Right now I'm practicing with contact 2-3 times a week, something I don't think I could handle without the hogu. When we work full power, we usually wear two hogus.

Doesn't mean there isn't a difference. For full on power we use belly pads, much better for protection when sparring, we don't use anything in comps. My instructor gets them from Fairtex when he goes to Bangkok to see them.
I have actually and there is a difference between that and no protection.:)

Yes there is some difference but not if you are a highly elite player. Tez when you spare in MMA nobody goes full speed because of injury, the hogu's allow this to be done but the protection is not much, the armour shield you talk about wearing does not allow much damage or feel to the opponet when it is being worn. Let's just say we can dis-aree here, because you ahve your views and of course I have mine. All I know untilk you are hit with full power one can not really tell much.
Doesn't mean there isn't a difference. For full on power we use belly pads, much better for protection when sparring, we don't use anything in comps. My instructor gets them from Fairtex when he goes to Bangkok to see them.

I'm not arguing that...of course there's a difference. In your competitions, are they full power/full contact? It's always interesting to know about how training and competition varies to find the balance between safety and (relative) realism.
I'm not arguing that...of course there's a difference. In your competitions, are they full power/full contact? It's always interesting to know about how training and competition varies to find the balance between safety and (relative) realism.

It's MMA, full contact and full power, KO wins. I've seen KOs from kicks to head as well as the usual punches. Liver shots from punches, kicks and knees make for KOs too. However it's not often we do train full on in the club but the guys striking at 50% is still pretty tough.
What an odd (and silly) turn this thread has taken.

I don't have a lot of interest in KKW Taekwon-Do these days, although I did train in it in college. I went to several tournaments then where we were all hogu-ed up and can say from personal experience that getting hit with a hogu on was no fun. It could really hurt when the kicker had the goods. I remember being in one fight where I kicked a guy in the hogu and bent him over. Heck, I even remember seeing people getting KO'd through their head gear. Comments that hogues make WTF sparring not full-contact are simply wrong and are probably based on never having participated in a tournament with higher level athletes.


What an odd (and silly) turn this thread has taken.

I don't have a lot of interest in KKW Taekwon-Do these days, although I did train in it in college. I went to several tournaments then where we were all hogu-ed up and can say from personal experience that getting hit with a hogu on was no fun. It could really hurt when the kicker had the goods. I remember being in one fight where I kicked a guy in the hogu and bent him over. Heck, I even remember seeing people getting KO'd through their head gear. Comments that hogues make WTF sparring not full-contact are simply wrong and are probably based on never having participated in a tournament with higher level athletes.



Well I could agree with you but then we'd both be wrong. Don't know about anyone else but I've certainly been in comps (TKD and karate) with 'higher level athletes' as I have sparred with very high leverl martial artists not just in MMA.

It has more bearing on the OP that perhaps you've thought about as the name gives expectations of what is trained. An MMA club I know could advertise itself as teaching Olympic wrestling as one of it's fighters is an ex Olympic wrestler from Afghanistan but it wouldn't be correct as they teach MMA. Don't know about you lot but we have Trading and Advertising Standards here to make sure that your ads including names and titles are honest and describe what you do. But hey if you feel you want yet another pop at me and ruin this thread for the OP, be my guest :)

The local sports centre where I train JKD calls it MMA when you enquire and on it's leaflets. The JKD instructor has to turn people away because that's not what he teaches.
Well I could agree with you but then we'd both be wrong. Don't know about anyone else but I've certainly been in comps (TKD and karate) with 'higher level athletes' as I have sparred with very high leverl martial artists not just in MMA.

Oh, Tez, I'm sure you're just as good at full contact Taekwon-Do sparring as you are at MMA. But the fact remains that a hogu does little to stop the force of a blow, especially one from a highly trained kicker. One poster on this thread has already pointed out that he recived a broken rib from a kick through a hogu. Obviously the use of a hogu under such circumstances made only a negligible difference.

The rest of your post was completely irrelevant.


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Oh, Tez, I'm sure you're just as good at full contact Taekwon-Do sparring as you are at MMA. But the fact remains that a hogu does little to stop the force of a blow, especially one from a highly trained kicker. One poster on this thread has already pointed out that he recived a broken rib from a kick through a hogu. Obviously the use of a hogu under such circumstances made only a negligible difference.

The rest of your post was completely irrelevant.



No Chris, I'm not playing your little games.
I'm kind of confused... maybe someone can help me understand what hogus and whether or not using them is full contact has to do with Terry changing his school's name?
No Chris, I'm not playing your little games.

I'm not playing any games. You, on the other hand, are making irrelevant posts to a thread on whether or not Terry should change the name of his school.

I await comments to the effect of people not understanding you, putting words in your mouth, not getting English humor, etc.


I'm kind of confused... maybe someone can help me understand what hogus and whether or not using them is full contact has to do with Terry changing his school's name?
Not really sure.

But since we are on that subject...I sometimes think that no hogu is better. The hogu makes the blow hurt everywhere as well as the spot that was hit. No hogu only hurts where you get hit.
Folks, lets stick to the topic of the name change. The other tangents are welcome to be discussed in their own threads.

terry whatever you decide I HIGHLY recommend that you DO NOT change it to

Martial Talk Ultimate Post Whore Extreme
Tae Kwon Do Training Center


I had to read it 3 times before I got it....


I am sllllooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww................