Think karate is hard? Try it with no legs.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I guess I lost any and all reason I ever have to complain!

SPOKANE VALLEY, Wash. -- The simple act of walking, jumping or going up and down stairs is something many take for granted. For one local 8-year-old it's more difficult than you can imagine, but that's about to change.

Mikey Lucas is just like every other kid in his Karate class. He punches, he yells, he even kicks. The only difference is he doesn't have any legs.

Warhorse Martial Arts instructor Kevin Piper says, "If you looked at his face you would never know he has so many difficulties doing everything that people take for granted."
Holy ****.

I mean, if he ever gets Prosthetic Legs when he stops Growing it wont be as bad, but...

That is Seriously Impressive!
I've heard that there was a student at my dojo a few years ago who was missing a hand. Apparently he got on okay and our instructor was fine with teaching him. Must be a lot more difficult without legs though.
I haven't seen first-hand, anyone physically disabled to this degree perform martial arts. It's inspiring, and makes me thankful for what I have. I have seen many people with mental disabilities (autism, brain injuries, etc) become great martial artists though, and I find it inspiring as well.
Due to the Afghan war we've had many injured soldiers, many have lost limbs some are triple amputees but what they are doing is amazing, walking to the North Pole, playing rugby, horse riding, running marathons etc. Stories are appearing every day of new feats of endurance and bravery by these wonderful people. It's having a trickle down effect too, a little girl here who lost her legs when she contracted meningitis has three army heroes who also lost their legs, she now goes about proudly doing sponsored walks for charity through their example.

I hope the fund raising goes well and they raise enough for his new legs, he's an inspiration to us all.

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