Things have changed on MT....

Hate to see you go. I don't always agree with you, but I always read your posts as I expect more often than not, I will find something of interest, agree or disagree. And mostly on techniques, when I disagree, it is simply from the point of view of my MA; we probably do something similar, but a little differently enough that I prefer my art's way. Even if I totally disagree, it is usually based on my art's way of doing it or not doing it. No such foolish argument about my art being better than yours. Nor do I lever remember you doing that.

I have never disagreed with you personally on anything.

I will be sorry to see you go if you do as I think you always have worthwhile things to say. I know you must do what you want to do. While I do think a better solution is just to ignore those who act like trolls or seem to wish to gain any kind of interaction, especially negative. That is what I try to do from the beginning or after one or two posts. But you are not me and I am not you.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope it works out well for you and your family..
Well, I forgot why I left, and a recent interaction on MT reminded me why I left (retired). And the fact I let the scam artist get to me also tells me I need to not be here. And there will always be another one just like him and I am tired of dealing with the paper tigers. When the knees don't hurt I'd rather train taijiquan and when they do I have the Total Gym and BowFlex. And after recovery, I am thinking about returning to Xingyiquan, if the knees allow. All better for an old geezer like me than sitting on my backside typing on the PC.

I returned because I was looking at 2 weeks off for knee surgery so I decided to reopen my blog on MT to be doing something martial arts related while I recovered, but the blog is no longer anywhere to be found, nor does starting a blog seem to be an option on MT anylonger. Then the pandemic hit, surgery postponed and working from home, and MT seemed to be a good place to kill time. But MT is not worth getting upset over these days, magic and mysticism seem to rule the day and I am more into the reality of Chinese Martial Arts than fiction, fantasy and wuxia put forth as fact by a mountebank. I have books to read and a couple to reread to take up the time, and a couple other web forums to peruse if need be.

- Lao-Tzu: "My words are very easy to understand." by Cheng Manching
- That Which is Before You by Matthew Lowes
- Tai Chi Dynamics: Principles of Natural Movement, Health & Self-Development (Marial Science) by Robert Chuckrow
- The Tao of Happiness, Stories from Chung Tzu for your Spiritual Journey by Derek Lin

I hope you all stay healthy

Well TTFN, I'm off to see if my knees will let me do some Sun Style

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