Things have changed on MT - Blog Post

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Actually my opinion has been changed on two or three key issues since I've been here. It's one of the reasons I stick around.

As for posting I tend to stick to areas where I at least have some idea of what I'm talking about. That doesn't mean you have to agree with me, and quite frankly if certain people on here did then I'd know I was doIng something wrong. Being told you are wrong by people who know what they are talking about will change my opinion, being told by people who don't even understand something a fundamentally basic as the difference between consensual fighting and SD, will not.

Further, you won't find me posting in pretty much 90% of the topics on here. Unlike some who insist on pontificating on subjects which they clearly (and sometimes openly admit they) don't understand- as just one example, don't understand kata, don't know how to interpret Kata don't know how to apply kata, and don't train kata, yet the instist on telling people who have used kata in a live SD situation, that it doesn't work.

So, nice try mate, but must try harder.
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Things have changed on MT

Or it could also be my I don’t have the tolerance I use to have for suffering fools.

wow 10 years is a long time. You have probably talked about the same topics at least 5 times. I enjoy my ignore button. It helps me to Foget the nonsense faster when I don't have to see it all the time. Other than that I'm just running out of stuff to saw. My main goal was to share a little knowledge about Jow Ga Kung fu and I think I've completed that goal. There's not much more I can share without giving up the "secrets".

It would be very difficult to have anything fresh after 10 years.
wow 10 years is a long time. You have probably talked about the same topics at least 5 times. I enjoy my ignore button. It helps me to Foget the nonsense faster when I don't have to see it all the time. Other than that I'm just running out of stuff to saw. My main goal was to share a little knowledge about Jow Ga Kung fu and I think I've completed that goal. There's not much more I can share without giving up the "secrets".

It would be very difficult to have anything fresh after 10 years.

There are a few that have been here longer
being told by people who don't even understand something a fundamentally basic as the difference between consensual fighting and SD, will not.
Ok, if you want to drag that up at least get it right, as that was not my position. My position(that you never even addressed) was that fighting is fighting. What separates SD from a concentual fight takes place beforehand. You even admitted that if you did not know the precurser events you couldn't tell the difference. Spare me

yet the instist on telling people who have used kata in a live SD situation, that it doesn't work.

Yes, and I also don't need to train how to make chi balls to confidently say they don't work either.

So, nice try mate, but must try harder.
Well, I could always try passive aggressively following you around the forums disliking all your posts without actually responding to them...
I don't think it's difficult to have fresh things after ten years. During those ten years, if a Martial Artist hasn't learned quite a bit - something ain't right.
I don't think it's difficult to have fresh things after ten years. During those ten years, if a Martial Artist hasn't learned quite a bit - something ain't right.
I'm just glad I haven't been here 10 years. I don't want to know what foolishness I'd have been spouting back then.
I don't think it's difficult to have fresh things after ten years. During those ten years, if a Martial Artist hasn't learned quite a bit - something ain't right.
Learning new stuff isn't the same as being able to post what was learn. I learned tons of stuff but I can't share it because of my school or because I don't want some guy to misuse the knowledge that I put out there.
Ok, if you want to drag that up at least get it right, as that was not my position.
I didn't say it was your position, I wasn't talking about you, it was just a general example from the forum. You see this is another problem, people seeing things that aren't actually written and then replying to what wasn't said.

What separates SD from a concentual fight takes place beforehand. You even admitted that if you did not know the precurser events you couldn't tell the difference.
Yes, because in some cases they do look they same. (Although if done correctly it won't). However even in some situations where they do look the same it doesn't mean that, legally, they are. And legality is the big thing when it comes to SD. Otherwise people would just go around beating the snot out of random people in the street but never get prosecuted as it was SD. This isn't the thread to get into that though, so enough of that.

Happily, I never had any intention of speaking to you, you're the one that quoted me, and continues to do so. If you to be spared stop quoting me.

Yes, and I also don't need to train how to make chi balls to confidently say they don't work either.
My point proven. Rather than ask someone to explain what they don't understand, or provide links/information to further their understanding, this is the prevelant attitude. Dismiss it because they don't understand it. (I'm not talking chi balls here btw). Talking to people like that is like wrestling a pig. Pointless, as you just end up covered in **** and the pig is happy.

Some come here to share knowledge and learn. Increasingly MT is home to more and more people with no intention of trying to learn anything from anyone, they just come to tell everybody me they are wrong, even on topics they admit they don't understand.

Well, I could always try passive aggressively following you around the forums disliking all your posts without actually responding to them...
I would actively recommend you do so, that certainly takes less effort than trying to understand them.
I didn't say it was your position, I wasn't talking about you, it was just a general example from the forum. You see this is another problem, people seeing things that aren't actually written and then replying to what wasn't said.

Yes, because in some cases they do look they same. (Although if done correctly it won't). However even in some situations where they do look the same it doesn't mean that, legally, they are. And legality is the big thing when it comes to SD. Otherwise people would just go around beating the snot out of random people in the street but never get prosecuted as it was SD. This isn't the thread to get into that though, so enough of that.

Happily, I never had any intention of speaking to you, you're the one that quoted me, and continues to do so. If you to be spared stop quoting me.

My point proven. Rather than ask someone to explain what they don't understand, or provide links/information to further their understanding, this is the prevelant attitude. Dismiss it because they don't understand it. (I'm not talking chi balls here btw). Talking to people like that is like wrestling a pig. Pointless, as you just end up covered in **** and the pig is happy.

Some come here to share knowledge and learn. Increasingly MT is home to more and more people with no intention of trying to learn anything from anyone, they just come to tell everybody me they are wrong, even on topics they admit they don't understand.

I would actively recommend you do so, that certainly takes less effort than trying to understand them.
See, I can tell that you are responding to something that somebody said, but apparently it is somebody I have on ignore and don't see anymore so I only see your half of the conflict.


The ignore button works. Use it. Some people are here to waste your time. These things they pretend to not understand, have been explained over and over. There is no point in doing so again. They aren't interested in a discussion. Don't get suckered into it.

Ignore him.
See, I can tell that you are responding to something that somebody said, but apparently it is somebody I have on ignore and don't see anymore so I only see your half of the conflict.


The ignore button works. Use it. Some people are here to waste your time. These things they pretend to not understand, have been explained over and over. There is no point in doing so again. They aren't interested in a discussion. Don't get suckered into it.

Ignore him.

Passive aggressive much?
I didn't say it was your position, I wasn't talking about you, it was just a general example from the forum. You see this is another problem, people seeing things that aren't actually written and then replying to what wasn't said.

Yes, because in some cases they do look they same. (Although if done correctly it won't). However even in some situations where they do look the same it doesn't mean that, legally, they are. And legality is the big thing when it comes to SD. Otherwise people would just go around beating the snot out of random people in the street but never get prosecuted as it was SD. This isn't the thread to get into that though, so enough of that.

Happily, I never had any intention of speaking to you, you're the one that quoted me, and continues to do so. If you to be spared stop quoting me.

My point proven. Rather than ask someone to explain what they don't understand, or provide links/information to further their understanding, this is the prevelant attitude. Dismiss it because they don't understand it. (I'm not talking chi balls here btw). Talking to people like that is like wrestling a pig. Pointless, as you just end up covered in **** and the pig is happy.

Some come here to share knowledge and learn. Increasingly MT is home to more and more people with no intention of trying to learn anything from anyone, they just come to tell everybody me they are wrong, even on topics they admit they don't understand.

I would actively recommend you do so, that certainly takes less effort than trying to understand them.
Well following me around with your finger on the dislike button in pretty much every topic has worked for you I guess. I don't think I have it in me to act in such a cowardly manner myself, I prefer to actually engage. Thanks for the advice all the same.

In other news, if you want to conflate choreographed dancing with combat, go right ahead, but don't expect such claims to go unchallenged.

Are you familiar with the term nonsequitur?

I run a mile a day, I know how to fight, therefore running is an effective form of fighting.

Oh I'm familiar with quite a lots of things including people who talk through their backsides and try to come over as knowing things they don't. There's a lot of things I know I don't know and don't pretend to, there's a lot of things I know and there's a few things I'm an expert in, one of those things is detecting BS. I've heard it from so many sources I recognise it immediately just from a couple of this case 'are you familiar with'.

Oh and next time you want to try to argue a point, try making it a valid argument, you know, because really your ignorance is hampering conversation. Your attempted put downs are poor, your arguments childishly ignorant, your failed sarcasm is laughable and your bitchiness will never amount to anything. Remember I am not a *****, I am THE ***** and that's Ms ***** to you so run along and find some playmates of your own age to play with.

Now, if that doesn't make him put me on 'ignore'........:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Oh I'm familiar with quite a lots of things including people who talk through their backsides and try to come over as knowing things they don't. There's a lot of things I know I don't know and don't pretend to, there's a lot of things I know and there's a few things I'm an expert in, one of those things is detecting BS. I've heard it from so many sources I recognise it immediately just from a couple of this case 'are you familiar with'.

Oh and next time you want to try to argue a point, try making it a valid argument, you know, because really your ignorance is hampering conversation. Your attempted put downs are poor, your arguments childishly ignorant, your failed sarcasm is laughable and your bitchiness will never amount to anything. Remember I am not a *****, I am THE ***** and that's Ms ***** to you so run along and find some playmates of your own age to play with.

Now, if that doesn't make him put me on 'ignore'........:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Ah, and once again, I can only see one half of the conflict.

Oh I'm familiar with quite a lots of things including people who talk through their backsides and try to come over as knowing things they don't. There's a lot of things I know I don't know and don't pretend to, there's a lot of things I know and there's a few things I'm an expert in, one of those things is detecting BS. I've heard it from so many sources I recognise it immediately just from a couple of this case 'are you familiar with'.

Oh and next time you want to try to argue a point, try making it a valid argument, you know, because really your ignorance is hampering conversation. Your attempted put downs are poor, your arguments childishly ignorant, your failed sarcasm is laughable and your bitchiness will never amount to anything. Remember I am not a *****, I am THE ***** and that's Ms ***** to you so run along and find some playmates of your own age to play with.

Now, if that doesn't make him put me on 'ignore'........:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Nice meltdown. You might want to take a deep breath bro, and maybe try to keep it on topic. Your opinions of me are inconsequential.
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