There should be a law against it...

Losers who impersonate vetrans.

Anyone who calls to order a pizza and then tries to have the clerk hold on while they ask what everyone wants. (Decide before you call morons)

Asian teenage girsl in school uniforms who want to hug me when the wife has been out of town all week. (trust me, there aughtta be a law.)

People who insist on doing yardwork with loud machines at 6:30 am (or earlier). You should be shot.
Air flow've obviously never owned a convertible....:lol:

There should be a law against:

Spandex worn by anyone with more than 15% bodyfat.
Excepting spandex worn UNDER their clothing to reduce visible flabbery...
Ditto bare midriffs, tube tops, and bikinis.

Bare midriffs on men.

No banana hammocks EVER!
Calling shaved and grilled roast beef "philly cheesesteak." :angry:
Having lived in CA most of my life, I have to say, HUH?
Pineapple on pizza.Artificial mozarella on pizza. Canadian Bacon on pizza.
Peanut butter on pizza.
Ranch dressing.

American process "cheese". :angry:

Fat cops.

Skinny strippers.

$50 minimum blackjack. (Cruise ships-gotta love 'em....)

Blended "scotch."

Mixto tequila.

Soda pop.
No soda? Ever? Damn
Low-fat "ice cream."
Non fat "milk" Non Fat "sour cream"
Frozen waffles.
Leggo my Eggo, man!
Jagermeister. (Why not just chill Vicks 44, and do shooters of that? It would be cheaper, has just as much alchohol, and tastes about the same :lol: )

Coffees with more than three names, like triple shot, double-whip, low-fat, decaf coconut latte :lol:

Cigars that cost less than $8.50 each.

Those damn beer-can flow through exhaust mufflers on anemic rice-burners.

Mega-bass sound systems in cars that like to make the windows in the car next to them vibrate.

Microsoft anything.

Nuclear weapons.

Big game hunting with semi-auto rifles:one shot, dammit.

Charging a fee for checked luggage. Mishandling or loosing luggage. Waiting more than 20 minutes on the runway to take off.

Cinnabons....okay, maybe not Cinnabons, but definitely the smell of them. It's an evil enticement, like the smell of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Kentucky Fried Chicken.


Outback (it's Australian for Appleby's, mate! :lol:)

Pizza Hut (See above, in re: artificial cheese)

Light beer.

Wheat beer.

Budweiser, Michelob and Coors in general.

Those sneakers with the rollers in them, unless they start making them in size 14. :lol: (Can't you just see me rolling through the grocery store pushing my cart? :lol:)
Are you absolutely sure they don't? They make adult size footie pajamas...
Anyone under 25 who's not a professional racer buying a motorcycle capable of more than 120 mph.

Oh, and the entire race of cats......
Add all the species of rat dogs...
MOFOs (Morons Of the First Order) who call stores to ask how much something is, and then ask how much it is with tax.