The Wong Way

My master used to say that there are three ways of doing things: the right way, the Wong way, and the Max Power way. Once I asked about the latter: "but isn't that just the Wong way?". He wisely answered: "Yes, but faster."
Like I said, comedy gold! 😂
Apparently, Monk Wong himself has even been here!

Apparently, Monk Wong himself has even been here!

Such a troll, he.
It's 4 am in China right now. Amazing how someone can bother "the great" whoever at 4 am, and ask him if it's okay to use a word on the internet...
Thanks, I just went through the thread on the other site and another thread full of Wuxia on this site from a few years ago..... I forgot all about those...... absolutely incredible.... Most certainly a Grandmaster of 花拳绣腿 huā quán xìu tǔi"
What truth was this. Fora tend to have several moderators so for them all to agree to eject you is quite a feat. You’re not a flat earther are you?

Do you mean Nigel Wong or Dave Wong? There are so many and I’ve never heard anyone ask if they are nobel or skilled.

He attracts a lot of trouble, this Monk Wong...🤔…suspicious…

You were there? What were the signs that prompted this conclusion?

He doesn’t hang about to assess the situation, does he? He seems a bit…reactive….rather than nobel.

Hang on…this an anime, isn’t it?

It didn’t take much to convince him! Mind you, if I saw my three mates get their heads kicked in, I’d probably think about my life choices.

Yay! Good luck…a word of advice though, ask questions before you lash out indiscriminately.

Ah, you’re a real beginner then.

I have more questions than before reading this, to be honest…🤔
Now now, no need for insults brethren. I will tell you a tale from my time in the mountains which should help clarify a thing or two.

I was walking near the Leopard Temple when I saw a crane and a tiger. They appeared to share a peculiar companionship that puzzled the students and other monks alike. The crane, elegant and poised, danced upon the winds with grace that matched the swaying of the bamboo. The tiger, fierce and regal, prowled the shadows with an aura of untamed majesty.

This made me think of the balance, yin and yang, we must bring to all things. Monk Wong rejects modernity, living deep in the mountains in his famous temple. I am a modern man, bringing his teachings to the West. In this way we achieve balance.
That’s some good dope you got there. You saw a wild tiger in henan province?
Now now, no need for insults brethren. I will tell you a tale from my time in the mountains which should help clarify a thing or two.

I was walking near the Leopard Temple when I saw a crane and a tiger. They appeared to share a peculiar companionship that puzzled the students and other monks alike. The crane, elegant and poised, danced upon the winds with grace that matched the swaying of the bamboo. The tiger, fierce and regal, prowled the shadows with an aura of untamed majesty.

This made me think of the balance, yin and yang, we must bring to all things. Monk Wong rejects modernity, living deep in the mountains in his famous temple. I am a modern man, bringing his teachings to the West. In this way we achieve balance.
This is a flat out LIE. Wild tigers have not been spotted in Henan for decades. Who do you think you are fooling?
I have heard of this Monk Wong in my travels. And who am I and where do I come from you may ask. I'm from out there, the west, beyond the horizon, past the sunset..the far west. That right, where I come from we kill a man before breakfast just to work up and appetite. Then we salt him and pepper him, then we braze him in clarified butter then we eat him. Yep that's what I said. Heck I've seen things that would make a man lose control of his glandular functions. You spend three days in a horses carcass, living off you own bodily fluids. It will change a man. So no I am not from around these parts. You could say I'm from everywhere there is trouble brewing and hell to be raised. You might say I'm what he'll has raised up.
I'm the fellow that killed the Jinkins Brothers, with one shot. Yep all seven of them.
I know this one-

Master Wong was meditation on a stand of miniature bamboo after hard training. He wore a blindfold to sharpen his other senses and become a better fighter.

Suddenly, a bandit barged into his meditation hall, shouting obscenities and questioning Master Wong’s father’s very existence and his ability to control his own sphincters. The huge fisted bandit lunged at the seated and blindfolded Master Wong brandishing a pair of diamond swords. Master Wong lept upwards toward the ceiling of the vaulted hall, pushed off the ceiling with his feet and propelled himself toward the are his sense of smell told him the bandit was standing. Of course, the Master was correct in his locating of the miscreant and was able to loosen the swords from the grip of the bandit and simultaneously incise the bandit’s shoulders cutting his arms completely off, which thudded, sickeningly, to the floor. Blood spurted across the master’s face and he simply licked it off with his chameleon-like tongue. He stemmed the bandits bleeding wounds with the sap from the stand of miniature bamboo thus saving his life. The bandit gave his name as Cheech Chong and begged to be forgiven and become a disciple of Master Wong.

Cheech Chong became an adept at the leg-emphasised art of Master Wong and roamed the countryside of China… although he did struggled to keep his bottom clean.

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