There was a Bruce Lee Special on at about 1 AM on AMC that made me think of this, so I thought I would post.
Bruce lee was talking about Jeet Kun Do as "the way of the intercepting fist." I had read and studied this concept before (about 12 years ago probably) and applied it to my sparring. It's an awesome concept. In a nutshell, it's basically the idea that for an opponent to attack me, they have to move within my range to execute their technique. My defense, then, doesn't have to be a block...rather I can attack the closest target and beat his timing, or angle my attack in such a way that his attack is unable to connect, while mine is.
This way I am not just "blocking," I am "intercepting his fist (or technique)".
Pretty awesome concept. Any thoughts?
Also, his wife Linda explained very well how people misinterpret one of Lee's quotes. The quote is regarding having "no form". She said that people take this concept of "no form" to mean that "everything I do is correct," which is not what was ment.
I see this a lot at JKD schools. Like any art, you have people who are very good, and others who are clowns. A lot of the clowns seem to use the "no form" concept as a justification for their lack of skill and their unwillingless to learn a more profecient way of executing their techniques.
Any thoughts on this as well?
btw...I am not a JKD practitioner, but I do enjoy Bruce lee's works. I like the Tao of JKD. So, please understand that my comments are from someone who doesn't study JKD as a system.

Bruce lee was talking about Jeet Kun Do as "the way of the intercepting fist." I had read and studied this concept before (about 12 years ago probably) and applied it to my sparring. It's an awesome concept. In a nutshell, it's basically the idea that for an opponent to attack me, they have to move within my range to execute their technique. My defense, then, doesn't have to be a block...rather I can attack the closest target and beat his timing, or angle my attack in such a way that his attack is unable to connect, while mine is.
This way I am not just "blocking," I am "intercepting his fist (or technique)".
Pretty awesome concept. Any thoughts?
Also, his wife Linda explained very well how people misinterpret one of Lee's quotes. The quote is regarding having "no form". She said that people take this concept of "no form" to mean that "everything I do is correct," which is not what was ment.
I see this a lot at JKD schools. Like any art, you have people who are very good, and others who are clowns. A lot of the clowns seem to use the "no form" concept as a justification for their lack of skill and their unwillingless to learn a more profecient way of executing their techniques.
Any thoughts on this as well?
btw...I am not a JKD practitioner, but I do enjoy Bruce lee's works. I like the Tao of JKD. So, please understand that my comments are from someone who doesn't study JKD as a system.