Intercepting Fist

A lout thrashing about in the clear waters of wisdom muddies those waters for everyone else. I guess I don't get it. I have done JFGF/JKD for 20 years, guess i'm done.
We all grow.But how do we see it.What dose it take.Some go to collage & 4 years have skill for law-some get bach. degree -some Doc. & some phd.It depends on your arena of combat & what you feel you must have to Successfull (come victor) in an attack situation.Dose it take 1 year to learn the basic Army drills.No we had 3 months basic.M-16 ,Gernades ,1st aid.gass suits ect.The A.I.T. or advance indiv, training was on the job you took.Truckers 2months.Admit clerck 6months. Senior Admit officer 3yrs.It depends on what you wanted for the job.Just like the arts.If you enjoy it-never give up.Just remember we cant punch & kick ethnic or styles.A front snap is a front snap -even if you add a jump or jump & spin or kick from the ground.No such thing as styles-they dont unit the man.They sepertate.
Being they separate -this means there is no concideration for height ,weight,of people.A man 5' can get low & move in bursts.Where as a man 6'3" has trouble getting low.& the man 5'5" at 280 cant get low or move fast.Yet I dont see how it possable for these to hold the same ranks -Due to performance of Katas.
Here Bruce toned his body-made every part fuctional & did gymnastics to optimise it.The weights & runnig were more of the lamination to seal in the 400 push ups-400 punches-400 bong saus ect.
Here is 1 more thoght that might help.
Think of footaball.You intercept the pass--is it clear & do you have time to run-Then run all you have .
Now just like a street fight the person intercepting the pass much like those who want to use more then need --is to fixated on the interception & how to hold the ball ect.
Here in is were others say can I kick -puch ect..Is that alll there is --just intercetion.In the street if you fixate on the grapple--you will get hit from behind.Just like football.
But if you are aware of your area & can pull off the extra punch ect--do it.But make sure it is simplistic-nontelegraphic & scientifiacly deployed so you are not counterd or take out.
Ok so you intercepted & the knee is broke & eye is jabed--do you realy need to continue or ar you chaseing effort after set ways.Just so you are not left out in the jkd circle -- or maybe you became set & cant see more then the thought you brought up.Dont think.JKD is feeling--if the technique is not part of you--dont use it. Be formless -shapeless is not a lisence to use every thing under the sun & call it jkd.It has to fit the original foundation the creator had, Hence R.I.P the classical man.

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