The Unfun Part of Responsibility....


Sr. Grandmaster
We got new neighbors a couple of weeks ago. They brought 2 dogs with them, no biggy.

Now, the dogs have started to get out of the fenced back yard. Still no problem. They bark but have not done anything bad.

Then 2 other dogs show up.
At first, still no problem.

Then they started to establish themselves as a pack.

So far so good...

Until yesterday morning, they chase the cats up the tree...the one from the neighbor, one of mine...the 2nd cat comes home a little while later, slobbered on from head to toe...and not acting right.
I am normaly of the 'it's a cat, wait it out' camp, but she looked pretty I take her to the vet...400$ later....

Ok, that other cat of mine is STILL in the two. I hope he comes down tomorrow....

Alas, the real problem....I was waiting for my pizza to get here, a cop car pulls in the drive. Somebody down the road has complained about the dogs chasing him.

oh, did I mention these are not my dogs....

but the officer was really nice. We told him what went on, he spoke to the neighbor lady.

Seems we will be calling Animal Control in the morning. Really hate it though. :(

The neighbors have said they are going to relocate the dogs, their dogs....I didn't ask, I am sure it involves a ride into the country....and tomorrow some farm will wonder where the extra dogs come from....
People who cannot or will not 'socialise' their dogs really should not be allowed to have them.

I love dogs; I admire their loyalty and their bravery and the fact that they love you back (unlike those slippers, hats and gloves 'in waiting' that are cats :p). There is, almost, no such thing as a 'bad' dog, only owners and trainers who do not fulfil their role properly. When I see or hear about dogs causing trouble or not being looked after properly I get both sad and angry at the same time :( :angry:
People who cannot or will not 'socialise' their dogs really should not be allowed to have them.

I love dogs; I admire their loyalty and their bravery and the fact that they love you back (unlike those slippers, hats and gloves 'in waiting' that are cats :p). There is, almost, no such thing as a 'bad' dog, only owners and trainers who do not fulfil their role properly. When I see or hear about dogs causing trouble or not being looked after properly I get both sad and angry at the same time :( :angry:
Great post, tell a dog to sit and they do it with love and a desire to please. Tell a cat to sit and must times they will meow at you, rub your leg and walk away. :)
well, dogs have owners, cats, have staff...

Good news, the cat made it out of the tree in one piece after pretty much 48 hours up there. And I do have to say, those 2 days were not pleasant: We had a lot of rain and thunderstorms! poor kitty.

But I do have to agree, it's hardly ever the dog's fault. It's (most) always the human's who s, or rather who is supposed to be on the other end of that leash.

I am just sad, when AC comes and picks them up, the pound is pretty much full, so you know where they are going to go...They are really not bad dogs... :(

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