The Ultimate Question: Can a man kill a dinosaur?

"Angry", pah! You need to learn proper berzerking from us Vikings

Then a tiger is no match anymore when you take on giants and dragons all day long.


The problem with you Vikings is that you have to pray to your holy mighty Odin and Thor. You have to borrow powers from gods.

Us Samurai only have to rely on the might of our Zen Buddhism.

Oh my God, we should totally make a thread about Samurai vs Vikings.

The Spike TV show Deadliest Warrior didn't do it justice because they did not hire a real Samurai and a real Viking to fight to the death.
Samson had supernatural strength (given by God). Never heard of anyone killing a lion, tiger, bear or dinosaur (dragon) bare handed. A well timed, powerful kick on the nose might discourage the animal from attacking, but killing it is another story. Even Davy Crockett had a knife (forget whether he killed his first bear with a rifle or a knife).
Now, why would a Bear-Sarker wear some dog skin?
Samson had supernatural strength (given by God). Never heard of anyone killing a lion, tiger, bear or dinosaur (dragon) bare handed. A well timed, powerful kick on the nose might discourage the animal from attacking, but killing it is another story. Even Davy Crockett had a knife (forget whether he killed his first bear with a rifle or a knife).

For pete's sake. This guy killed a shark with his bare hands:
Erik the Red skipper Iceman kills shark with bare hands -

THis guy wrestled a cougar with his bare hands-he was 70:
How to survive a cougar attack -

And this guy killed a grizzly bear, with his bare hands:
The American Tale of C. Dale Petersen affotd
Rammed his arm down it's throat, then cutoff the blood flow to its brain by biting it on the jugular, then beat it to death with a stick after it passed out!
The problem with you Vikings is that you have to pray to your holy mighty Odin and Thor. You have to borrow powers from gods.

Us Samurai only have to rely on the might of our Zen Buddhism.

Actually we Vikings don`t have to "borrow" any powers from Allfather Odin or Thor the Thunderer, we merely give thanks. Both of them did do much sleeping around with mortal woman all us scandinavians got some Aesir blood flowing in our veins, the power is within us all :D

No. I will answer your attention grabber.

This hyopthetical man would take the big purple dinosaur, power-clean his rump off the ground, squat, then press and toss him into the air, all before delivering a mid-air superman punch then arm-wrestling him until the dinosaur in question taps out with his tiny frail little arms.
No. I will answer your attention grabber.

This hyopthetical man would take the big purple dinosaur, power-clean his rump off the ground, squat, then press and toss him into the air, all before delivering a mid-air superman punch then arm-wrestling him until the dinosaur in question taps out with his tiny frail little arms.
don't forget the ultimate 360 flying tiger-dragon super kick! o_O:D
There are numerous stories of men defeating and killing African lions and North American mountain lions with a knife. Also I've read a few stories about men defeating bears with a knife. Stories of men defeating large predators with bare hands are much harder to come by.
Make no mistake, if a polar bear catches you he will eat you. Starting with your butt because that`s full of yummy fat. Polar bears in Spitzbergen even love to munch on snowmoblie seats because they smell of butts :D


Yep that is the reason you are required by law to go armed up there (see my profile pic). Not sure I would dare to sleep in a tent in Svalbard, not without someone sitting guard at least. Even at cabin we stayed at there had been a polar bear ripping the door off it`s hinges and feasting on all the supplies. Happened the year before while the visitors were all out skiing or driving snowmobiles.

What it is like to be eaten by a polar bear:
Starving polar bear attacks BBC cameraman in pod in Arctic Norway Daily Mail Online
There's an episode of Baki the Grappler (an MMA-related anime) where Baki's villainous and powerful dad killed not a polar bear, but a GIANT polar bear with his bare hands, shirtless in the middle of a winterstorm.

So yeah. It's possible.

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