The Ultimate Question: Can a man kill a dinosaur?


Even Tarzan had to use a knife
Wu Sung didn't need a knife.

Think the Romans pretty much worked it out. Don't mess with no Kitty Kat. Unless it is made of chocolate of course.
yes in fact 3 actually... one fateful night i was walking home from a football game, went down main street and cut through the corner alley when all a sudden i heard a growl, standing there was a tiger on both sides of the alley and one on the rooftops... then i looked the first tiger right in the eyes and it knew it picked a fight with the wrong person. i round house kicked that tiger so hard they all three died

joking aside though... honestly if its a one on one most likely the tiger

EDIT: actualy why would people want to kill them?! then the samurai cavalry would be left without their rides o_O
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There was a story back in 1975 about two aged cane-cutters in Indonesia who were found dead with a dead tiger-they apparently were also Silat masters who fought it out with the tiger-I can't ever find the story online, but there was a comic book and talk of a movie (apparently, they also resisted the Japanese during WWII). This likely would have been a Sumatran tiger-small as tigers go, but quite prone to man-killing.

People have also fought off or killed crocodiles and alligators bare-handed, and crocodilians ARE our last living dinosaurs.
8216 Monster alligator 8216 Lumpy 8217 killed with hands in Florida
Lady bashed a shark.
Whitsunday attack victim punched shark in nose

technically they are dinosaurs.

Nope. Different lineage entirely.

People have also fought off or killed crocodiles and alligators bare-handed, and crocodilians ARE our last living dinosaurs.

Nope again, although they are related. The first crocodilians came on the scene around the same time as the first dinosaurs.

However we do still have a large, diverse group of therapod dinosaurs running around the place. You might know them as birds. Any farmers out there who have wrung a chicken's neck? Congratulations! You've slain a dinosaur bare-handedly.
Nope. Different lineage entirely.

Nope again, although they are related. The first crocodilians came on the scene around the same time as the first dinosaurs.

However we do still have a large, diverse group of therapod dinosaurs running around the place. You might know them as birds. Any farmers out there who have wrung a chicken's neck? Congratulations! You've slain a dinosaur bare-handedly.
Hey, my cat tries to bring live dinosaurs in the house all the time. :)
How durable exactly is a big cat? I'm talking about a man here with a 3,000 PSI punching power and more with a roundhouse. He can bearhug anyone to death too.

Doesn't that count to anything? There's a reason I exaggerated the stats of a man. lol
How durable exactly is a big cat? I'm talking about a man here with a 3,000 PSI punching power and more with a roundhouse. He can bearhug anyone to death too.

Doesn't that count to anything? There's a reason I exaggerated the stats of a man. lol
Even if you could punch it, you probably wouldn't see it moving on you before it was too late, and your brain won't let you see what happens next; so, the damn scene would just burst into butter-flies and rainbows. :cigar: