The Texas Filibuster

I believe I said...

more neutral

And...if you notice...I didn't quote from any of the conservative sources on exactly what happened as far as the vote went, I went to a Texas newspaper site to do it, (for the time stamp accusation ) so yes, a more neutral reporting agency would get my attention as far as exactly what happened and wether it was fair or unfair, proper or improper...and the regular news sources are too biased to be of help.

I would have to look overseas, probably to get a source that wasn't immediately biased in favor of the pro-abortion side vs. the pro-life side. Perhaps Canada, or Mianmar...
I believe I said...

And...if you notice...I didn't quote from any of the conservative sources on exactly what happened as far as the vote went, I went to a Texas newspaper site to do it, (for the time stamp accusation ) so yes, a more neutral reporting agency would get my attention as far as exactly what happened and wether it was fair or unfair, proper or improper...and the regular news sources are too biased to be of help.

I would have to look overseas, probably to get a source that wasn't immediately biased in favor of the pro-abortion side vs. the pro-life side. Perhaps Canada, or Mianmar...

The problem is that in general, Texas news IS right wing.

Once again, it isn't the issue of abortion. It is the issue of what their methods are on pushing their agenda. They cover up the real issue with talk of this abortion doctor that, if reports are indeed correct, broke the law. They also throw out late term abortion as the cause they are fighting against. Why do they do this? Because it's what we call spin.
If they listed everything they really are doing, well they might lose a lot of support. It is the same crap that anti gun legislators have done. And I can not in good conscience not call them out when at the same time going after anti gun legislation and the whole Obamacare issue.
Think about it. You don't ever have a lobbyist or legislator get up and talk about what is really going on. That would insure a signifigant drop in public support.

Now, we have numbers stating that women overwhelmingly support these laws right? Well I wonder if they support it all, or is it the more likely scenario that they are against late term abortion? These people generally don't know what they are supporting because the media, lobbyists and legislators spin the issue really well. Just like they claim people overwhelmingly are against guns. But from what I've seen lately it seems people are against mass shootings, not guns.

That's the point. Their methods are immoral. And the vast majority of people just eat it upband allow these immoral "leaders" to do the thinking for them. Now there IS a growing number of people that are no longer happy living that way, and this is a good thing. Now more people want to know the content of the bills being passed. Are not happy with secret meetings to pass these laws.
So while I do disagree with aborting a fetus that could live on its own, and I disagree with dirty and medically unsafe clinics. The point is that the pieces of legislature they're spinning for the public, well there are regulations already in effect to solve these issues. But it's all the BS under it that they are really fighting hard to pass. And they're fighting just as hard to do it before anyone realizes what they're really trying to do. And THAT sir, is unforgivable. I don't care which party is doing it.