The Secret Teachings of...

Have to say, I left the dojo last night with my head spinning, and not just from the elbow I got on the side of my neck that made me drop like a sack of potatoes (it was a riot, I took the hit, continued sparring, and dropped two seconds later - never had that happen before).
Welcome to the world of the brachial plexus stun. :lol::lol:

Anyway, pardon my gushing - I'm sure most of you are yawning and thinking "Yeah, so what else is new?" But for a newb like me, it was most enlightening, and I wanted to share my excitement.
I love it when students have a "lightbulb goes on" moment. I can still remember some of mine, when I literally said out loud "So THAT'S what he was talking about!".

You'll have more. Cherish them. And one day you'll be teaching someone else and you'll see the light go on for them. Cherish those moments as well.