Unfortunately judges have immunity as for making bone headed decisions.
Now that does not mean people can't picket their homes, or stand outside the court house with signs calling the judges murders, or if the judges are elected, run against them or vote them out.
But, we make a judge immune for a reason. So that people can't put pressure on them to make corrupt decisions.
It's also difficult to punish the politician that appointed the idiot judges. We tend to vote for many reasons, not just one. And blaming the politician for such an appointment is low on the totem pole of priorities.
Our only real alternative is to take decisions out of the judgeÂ’s hands. That is mandatory guidelines for bail. BUT, that can also come back to bite ones posterior when excessive bail is used to punish a undesirable, or political opponent.
There is no real good fast answer. Yes I blame the judge more than anything except the criminal. So I guess picketing the judge (as Bill OÂ’Reilly is kind of doing on Fox) is the most effective thing to do right now.