the satanic bible

It's not the worship of evil though. It's an entire book about individuality and how unique and special each person is and you should embrace yourself, be yourself and not try to be anything but the best you that you can be. Satan isn't apart of it, after all, the character is a creation of christianity as a villain in the story. The name is just because it stands in opposition to christianity's doctrine of altruism and self sacrifice, where one religion exposes what's good for all, the diembodied whole called society, the other is about the one.
While I have never read the "Satanic Bible" I'm rather amazed anyone would take this seriously. Do you really think the worship of evil can in any way bring about any good.? Many, of course, have dismissed LeVay as a con man and opportunist, and I applaud you for it, and many of you have pointed out the teachings really can't work, and I applaud you for that. Anyone finding any worth in Satanism is someone I want to steer clear of. There's too much evil in this world as it is.

kind of hasty to judge something you haven't read, isn't it?

I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as an altruistic act. Most religions claim to be altrustic at their base - but then offer rewards for doing good. "Act this way and you will get into heaven." They go so far as well to punish wrong doing, IMO eliminating any hope of altruism. To me, if you are doing good because you are told to and because you are seeking a reward (i.e. heaven, enlightenment, etc), are you not being individualistic at its base? Yes, you are helping others and improving society, but if you are rewarded, no matter your motivation, you are still living in accordance with the idea set forth in individualist works. Even if you turn DOWN any reward - doesn't it make you feel good to do good? Isn't that a reward?

I am also of the opinion that if you believe in ANY doctrine, how can you TRULY believe it if you don't know what else is out there - if you don't know the opposition? How much credence do you lend to an evolutionist who doesn't know what creationism is? Or vice versa?

Particularly in Christianity, if you are a believer, then it is important to know the opposing viewpoints and what else is out there. It is a religion of dichotomy. Without evil, there is no good. Shouldn't you understand who and what you are "fighting?" In addition, the VAST majority of organized religion followers take 100% of their information about the opposition from their own doctrine. Again, is this good practice? If I want to learn about the tactics of the enemy, I study the enemy, I don't just listen to my allies about what they THINK the enemy is like.

Plus, if your beliefs are that strong, then they can withstand expansion of your experience and world view and even reading something with an offputting name.

For the record, I really think that naming the book "The Satanic Bible" is a marketing and nomenclature tactic and does not (as others have said) describe the biblical satan.

Although Levey is a CREEPY looking dude.
kind of hasty to judge something you haven't read, isn't it?


This is true. I have in my Library "The Satanic Bible" the "Satanic Rituals" and "The Satanic Witch" and have read numerous articles about the man...

He himself admits in one interview that its a Con, and that he Chose "Satanism" to play on the fears of the catholic church members and attract those in need of the Dogma who are disenfranchised and thats why they have "spells" and "rituals" at all... It really has nothing to do with "Evil" or "Satan" all that stuff was added BY HIS OWN ADMISSION to help sell it.
This is true. I have in my Library "The Satanic Bible" the "Satanic Rituals" and "The Satanic Witch" and have read numerous articles about the man...

He himself admits in one interview that its a Con, and that he Chose "Satanism" to play on the fears of the catholic church members and attract those in need of the Dogma who are disenfranchised and thats why they have "spells" and "rituals" at all... It really has nothing to do with "Evil" or "Satan" all that stuff was added BY HIS OWN ADMISSION to help sell it.

Exactly. It's pure marketing, setting itself apart from christianity's putting everyone before yourself ideal, the ideal of sacrifice (giving a greater value for a lesser or no value in return). The name strikes fear in most christians because it's named after the villain in their story because they accept Satan as an actual being rather than just apart of their religious story. Some religions have a god and an adversary, some don't. Christians for the most part accept Satan as real and that his existence should be self evident to everyone in the world, of all faiths (belife without proof) or no faith which it clearly is not.

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