Senior Master
The Pirate in Atlas Shugged was named Ragnar Danneskjoldand no Lavey didn't base anything on him. He tried to ally himself with Ayn Rand (by plagarizing) at the time because she championed individualism but she was from an Arestotilian root while he was from a Nizchean root (wholly different ways at looking at the world). Yes he outright stole concepts from many sources into one great hodgpodge including Rand but he totally screws it.
Atlas Shrugged is my favorite book, I know these things.
Maybe I was careless with the pronoun "he". I didn't mean that Lavey based anything on Ragnar Danneskjold; I meant that Ragnar Redbeard was an inspiration for Rand in developing the character of Ragnar Danneskjold. Not as a basis for her philosophy, but as a fictional persona. I'm aware that Lavey's admiration of Rand was one-sided.