The risk involved in doing the right thing.

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Alex Gong was tragically gunned down in San Francisco after chasing a hit - run driver who also hit his car. My sincerest condolences go out to hi friends and famiy.

My question is where do you draw the line in trying to help. If there is an assault in progress, under what circumstances do you intervene. In Alex Gongs situation what would you do? I know I could pretty safely chase someone in Australia with there being almost no chance of firearms being involved but in America it is a different story. If he didn't see the hit run accident why did he give chase? Is a dent in your car which was probably insured worth a potentially physical confrontation?
If he did see the hit and run surely he could be of more service to the victim by their side than chasing the car.

Just some thoughts. It's just a pity i started really thinking about this after hearing such a sad story.

What does everyone else think? Maybe some others can shed some more light on exactly what happened.

First off, it is an awful thing that happened. I've seen clips of him fighting and he was definately an awesome fighter.

Now, on with the question. In todays world, many people carry guns, many of them not leagally, and they do not think twice about using them. Getting involved in not always the best thing to do. While most people do not want to stand by and watch something bad happen to another person, it is not always best to get involved. If you were in a club or bar, and someone was involved in a fight, why risk injury to yourself to break up the fight, when there are bouncers there, that are getting paid to do that. It would be different if it was a friend or family, but to get involved in someone elses problem is not something that is on the top of my list.

You see too many times, a cop going to a domestic. The husband is beating the crap out of his wife. The cops attempt to arrest the husband and what happens? The wife turns on the cops!! This is the guy that beat the s**t out of her, and now she is trying to defend him!!! What kind of messed up s**t is that???

Now, you can ask, "Well, if it was me getting attacked, I would hope that someone would come to my aid!" And that is true,I would hope someone would do something. Unfortunately, more times than not, nobody wants to get involved for fear of being the next victim.

IMO, the best thing to do would be to call the police. Get as much detail about what is happening as you can. By you providing the cops with details of what you saw, it might aid them in making an arrest.

In Alex Gongs case it was HIS car that got hit and run. There was no hit and run victim other than himslef so no he couldnt be of more service to anyone else by staying by thier side. So ask yourself this, would you not chase after someone that just busted up your car and tried to get away with it but you see them just down the street? I know I would at the very least to look them in the face and ask, "uh where do you think youre going? You just smashed my car!" I would not expect them to turn around and shoot me, and neither would alot of people.

I believe there is more to this story that will come out soon.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
In Alex Gongs case it was HIS car that got hit and run. There was no hit and run victim other than himslef so no he couldnt be of more service to anyone else by staying by thier side. So ask yourself this, would you not chase after someone that just busted up your car and tried to get away with it but you see them just down the street? I know I would at the very least to look them in the face and ask, "uh where do you think youre going? You just smashed my car!" I would not expect them to turn around and shoot me, and neither would alot of people.

I believe there is more to this story that will come out soon.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Sure, I'd be pissed, but chasing this guy down the street is not going to solve the problem. Not only am I putting my life in danger, but anone else on the road also. If this guy left the scene, who can say that he wont do anything to avoid getting caught? If shooting at you to stop you from chasing him is an option, I'm sure he'd do it. Getting the plate? Well, thats a possibility, but it could be stolen, so that wont help you.

My life and the life of my family is more important to me than a car. A car can be replaced, but a life cant!!!!!!!!

Road rage is more and more common everyday. If someone gets mad at you cuz you cut them off in traffic and they chase you down the road to your house, get out and start sh** with you, whats to say they wont shoot you??

I have to agree with the idea that something else is going on here. Even if it was just that the shooter was trying to escape another crime, it could have been that the driver was on drugs or it could be something personal. I read that the guy waited for the light to turn green before he shot Alex and that both the car and the plates were stolen. The stolen plates were not registered to the stolen vehicle, which was later found. That is a lot of effort. Something is amiss.
I would like to note no matter how hard it might be you always have to do the right thing. Thats what you live by and thats what you die by.

If i where alex i would be dead because i would have done the same thing.

RIP alex
I share everyone's sadness in hearing this tragic incident.

It makes you wonder if something so tragic can happen to a world champion fighter like Alex Gong .... what chance do mere mortals like us who can only dream to be that good have? - it really reinforces the notion that martial arts ability is not magic and self defense is not a shield.

I had a hit and run situation a year ago (on the way to Kenpo class no less!). I did chase the guy and he did pull over. However (in retrospect) I realise how lucky I was not to get hurt. The guy that hit my car was 18 year old and just got his licence....lucky for me he was simply scared and not violent. Thank God :asian:
Originally posted by Judo-kid
I would like to note no matter how hard it might be you always have to do the right thing. Thats what you live by and thats what you die by.

How is chasing down the guy the "right thing?" What would he have done had he caught the guy? You can't legally strike him; you can't hold him; you can't drag him to the police station. The only purpose it serves is to vent our anger.

It's best to keep your life safe by reporting the incident to the police, stay by as a witness (license and description), and make sure the perp knows that the police are on the way. If you're going to forfeit your life, make sure it's worth it. In this case, it wasn't even close.

Originally posted by lvwhitebir
What would he have done had he caught the guy? You can't legally strike him; you can't hold him; you can't drag him to the police station. The only purpose it serves is to vent our anger.


What about a citizen's arrest under protection or personal property.
Originally posted by gravity
what chance do mere mortals like us who can only dream to be that good have?

unfortunately i think we all probably have the same chance against a speeding bullet. :(
I don't be any means believe chasing someone down the street is the "right thing" to do. Just call in his liscence plate to the police, that would solve it wouldn't it?

In Mr. Gong's case I do believe there was a little more going on but I have to aggree with the others here that if the hit and run driver is leaving the scene, then he wants to get away, most likely at high cost to whomever tries to stop him.

I'm not going to pass judgment on a situation that I don't know fully about, but doing the right thing and the cost of this action is high on my mind at many times. I believe that doing what is right is what seperates great men/women from everyday people. I try to do what is right at every chance.

We shouldn't turn our backs on a situation because the cost of it may be more than you can bear. That makes you a talker but not a person of action. I'm just simply amazed at the number of people, and MAist who will turn and walk away from a situation in order to save themselves trouble or danger. What about the victim you are saving or protecting? Do they deserve the situation they are in?

Originally posted by tarabos
unfortunately i think we all probably have the same chance against a speeding bullet. :(

i actually meant in a self defense situation, if a champion fighter can get fatally injured....what chance do 'normal' martial artist like us have........Thanks for the input though :asian:
Originally posted by 7starmantis
I Just call in his liscence plate to the police, that would solve it wouldn't it?

In Mr. Gong's case I do believe there was a little more going on but I have to aggree with the others here that if the hit and run driver is leaving the scene, then he wants to get away, most likely at high cost to whomever tries to stop him.


In this particular case, the plates would do you no good. They were stolen and so was the car that hit his. Calling in the plates wouldn't give you any ability to trace the owner or car. Obviously this isn't common, but if you don't have uninssured motorist insurance or comprehensive insurance, you are SOL on the damage to your own vehicle.

There was a little more going on here. The driver was an AWOL parolee, with convictions in auto theft and weapons charges. He told his girl he wasn't going back to prison and shot himself. I'd say that is a desperate enough man to shoot someone as he is fleeing a crime scene. He even told Alex that he wasn't going to stick around becasue he was wanted by the police. Alex tried to restrain him, so he shot Alex to escape.
Originally posted by OULobo
What about a citizen's arrest under protection or personal property.

I'm not a lawyer, but a quick internet search shows that, in most states, the guy would have to be commiting a felony. I don't think a hit/skip qualifies.

Originally posted by gravity
i actually meant in a self defense situation, if a champion fighter can get fatally injured....what chance do 'normal' martial artist like us have........Thanks for the input though :asian:

Champion or not....We are ALL only Human (at least all the people I know anyway..LOL)!!!

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