The Purpose for Attacking Someone

I was talking with some family members about this, on friday. They brought up, "Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs". I don't know if any of you are familiar with it, but basically it states that once we have all of our needs met, we move on to the next need. I told my dad that it doesn't explain sociapaths, or psychopaths, and he said, " Sure it does. The have a need for violence, and a need to perpetuate that violence upon another individual. Once that need is met, they move on to the next need. Violence for them stops after that need has been met, until the next time they need it." I found this interesting that someone could actually have a need for violence, but I guess this would be true. That's why serial killers and such do what they do. Yeah they're crazy, but in there warped mind the need to be doing these things. Crazy. What are your thoughts on that?
I was talking with some family members about this, on friday. They brought up, "Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs". I don't know if any of you are familiar with it, but basically it states that once we have all of our needs met, we move on to the next need. I told my dad that it doesn't explain sociapaths, or psychopaths, and he said, " Sure it does. The have a need for violence, and a need to perpetuate that violence upon another individual. Once that need is met, they move on to the next need. Violence for them stops after that need has been met, until the next time they need it." I found this interesting that someone could actually have a need for violence, but I guess this would be true. That's why serial killers and such do what they do. Yeah they're crazy, but in there warped mind the need to be doing these things. Crazy. What are your thoughts on that?

Your Dad is right, in their mind it's a need as much as food and water is a need in our mind.
Your Dad is right, in their mind it's a need as much as food and water is a need in our mind.

Yeah he usually is. LOL!
While I would agree that the aforementioned types of violence by Sarge is definitely there... they just don't stand alone by themselves.
Take for example the conflict currently going on in Israel/Gaza right now.
WHOEVER fired the first shot... was that defensive or predatory? No weapons were concealed there... either side knew the other was heavily armed.

There's anger violence category as well. Goading a person to the point where they explode in anger (irrational I'll agree) and commit acts of violence towards whatever/whomever is making them angry. Also not all violence is physical.

There's also non-aggressive violence. Which is usually harmless unless you get in it's direct path. Demolition workers, miners, loggers, animal processors (the ones who kill the animals just prior to butchering), firefighters breaking down walls and doors and so on. Some are I would agree could fall into either predatory or defensive... but I'm of different mind set.

There's violence committed by insanity (temporary or permanent). Neither can be placed in either predatory or defensive because violence is driven more by intent and emotion.

Violence, even of insanity takes, the form of Defensive Violence (yelling threats at real or imaginary threats) or Predatory (taking a machete and hacking up the family).

All violence fits that mold, even among animals or humans.....the question is what is being defended or what does the predator want.

Serial killers are a prime example of this......a serial killers motives might 'seem' insane, but his methods are those of the predator.
Some do it just for kicks. Remember the 'wildings' where packs of them would kill or rape just for the fun. 'Thrill killers' is also a term that comes into mind. They say they have never seen someone die and want to find out what it is like to kill someone or beat them up.

Yes there are many reasons. Some quite understandable, others, in a twisted way, can be said to be logical. But some just have no rational explanation, at least to most of us.

People that view other people as prey, too feed upon, rape, abuse or generally treat as they see fit.....PREDATORS!

The behavior of sociopathic predators is highly have something (perhaps your life!) that they want, and they will use violence as an instrument to take it.
I was talking with some family members about this, on friday. They brought up, "Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs". I don't know if any of you are familiar with it, but basically it states that once we have all of our needs met, we move on to the next need. I told my dad that it doesn't explain sociapaths, or psychopaths, and he said, " Sure it does. The have a need for violence, and a need to perpetuate that violence upon another individual. Once that need is met, they move on to the next need. Violence for them stops after that need has been met, until the next time they need it." I found this interesting that someone could actually have a need for violence, but I guess this would be true. That's why serial killers and such do what they do. Yeah they're crazy, but in there warped mind the need to be doing these things. Crazy. What are your thoughts on that?

Oh, absolutely.....most folks will engage in certain acts of violence if the lowest level needs aren't met, food, water, etc.....

The Hierarchy of Needs is certainly a key to understand what motivates some people.

And keep in mind that the same mid-brain that controls fight or flight the same mid-brain that has much to do with sexual it should come as no surprise that sex and aggressive violence are so linked in the minds of mammals.

Further, serial killers have developed warped issues surrounding violence and sexuality, and many view the act of killing as almost if they have risen above being a normal human being.
Outcome (level of injury, as given in the initial post) is different than rationale. There are only two reasons that a person attacks another person: because the attacker wants/needs something the attacked has, or to demonstrate power over the other person. There can be quite a few reasons either of those could occur - and in some cases, they'd be combined. The level of force used will vary depending on the initial situation, the attacked's response to the attacker, and so on.

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