Blue Belt
If it really is a disease, the priests involved would not go to incredible length's to cover it up. Let alone cover up for eachother.
Funny how people under the vow of celibacy suffer the most from this disease, and people who have normal sexual relationships suffer less from it.
Actually you have it wrong here. There are as many cases of lawyers, doctors, police officers, ministers from other religions (without celibacy rules) as the Catholic priesthood, involved in pedophilia . In fact, percentage wise, the Catholic priest hood may not be as high as some of the other categories. The problem here is the Catholic Church, due to its size has more money, gets the loudest complaints.
I don't condone what the Church has done in not reporting, in the past, they now do in most areas, when a priest is suspected of pedophilia to the local authorities, nor do I condone how they just moved them from place to place to keep the person out of trouble in one area just to get in trouble in the new area. They should have been transferred to a Monastery for the remainder of their life of silence and prayer. Most of the cases, not all granted, of pedophilia that are being brought to light are over 15+ years old and new cases are few and far between. The Church is looking very closely at it's Religious Leaders and those in Religious life to make sure these things are not happening. So, the Church IS taking action, within itself, and any new current cases ARE being taken to the local authorities as they happen, provided they come to the Church from "outside" and not from confession. If the "news" comes from confessions, there are problems in taking action, other than repentance requirements, which CAN include demanding that the priest confessing take action to request life in a Monastery.
Pedophilia is a mental disease, and the Pope is right in that matter, and in such the pedophile should be treated and removed from the area in which he can cause harm. (Monastery)
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