tai scorpio
White Belt
hello everybody, my name is sifu bernard (scorpio) strickland,and i loss my baby boy (dante) on 1-23,2001 by a teenage here in birmingham,alabama and the murdered got off that murder change,and last oct. the same teenage murder a fairfield p.o. by the name mrs(mary smith) who was also a pvt. student of mind too. my son (dante) was a secord degree black belt of mind too. this month on 5-5-2007, dante would have been 26 yrs. olds. and he leave behind four sons age,s run from age 9-7-7-6. rigth now we are going through a bad time,getting ready for this murdered (d.l.jackson) trial next month. so please pray for my family and for (mrs mary smith) family,s as well. thank you so much sifu bernard (scorpio) strickland p.s. that,s the reason why i havn,t post in a while