The Next HOUSE Majority Leader

"He was an invited guest and spoke at a Democratic Fundraiser. Yes."

If he had any ethics at all, he would have declined the "invitation". He certainly should not have centered his speach around a case that he is proscecuting. His actions have made it very clear that this is a political hack job, except of course where he is motivated by the movie he is helping to make. I am sure he will also be writing a book and looking for otehr ways to make more money off the case.

Now if yuou want to talk about "political money laundering", we now need to talk about how Harry Reid and John Hwang (Clinton's money launderer) funneled grant money to Reid's criminal friends.
"The root of the evil of the corporate and large-monied interest domination of politics is money," Earle says as he takes the filmmakers on a nighttime drive around Austin. "This is in the Bible."

He's actually wrong here too. The Bible syas that "the love of money is the root of evil". Not the money itself. But anyway, here we that when Earle is not out raising money for the democrats, he likes to spend his spare time playing Jesus as he rids the world of evil Republicans.

His movie is atleast going to be entertaining. The sad thing is that a lot of people will believe that crap.
Marginal said:
Reminds me of Whitewater, except there's an actual crime.

Oh with Republicans its a crime and with Democrats it's not :whip: lets wait and see what happens.


michaeledward said:
I'm listening, but I don't understand. Please explain?

I am probably got my facts screwed up however with that being said. I read or heard on one of the (right) talk shows that this guy has tried four other times in lower courts to indite Rep. Delay without success. I think it was Laura Ingram. Anyway he agreed with some of the companies that he was trying to indite on the same charges (illegal campaign funds) that he would drop their charges if they would help produce records to indite him.

I am not saying Rep. Delay is innocent because we all know when it comes to campaign funds a politician will take money from MOM while kissing the baby.


Rick Wade said:
I am probably got my facts screwed up however with that being said. I read or heard on one of the (right) talk shows that this guy has tried four other times in lower courts to indite Rep. Delay without success. I think it was Laura Ingram. Anyway he agreed with some of the companies that he was trying to indite on the same charges (illegal campaign funds) that he would drop their charges if they would help produce records to indite him.
I guess it becomes a definition of what is meant by 'tried four other times'.

Did he convene a grand jury four other times to address Representative Delay's fundraising? If so, that's news to me.

Did he say to his drinking buddies on a Saturday night "Boy, that Delay sure is a crook." four times?

Be wary of the Spin on this one. The Hammer had claimed that he was never a target, he never testified before the grand jury. One of the members of the grand jury has publicly stated that they waited until the last day of their term to indict Representative Delay, because they were waiting to see if he would come in and testify.

Defendent says he never testified. Grand Jury member says they were waiting for him to testify. Hmmmm.

And now, In Delay's corner, it is 'Attack Attack Attack'.

David Corn has an interesting article concering the Delay defense strategy. It is listed under his blog on September 28, 2005. It may be worth a read.
michaeledward said:
So, JAMJTX, did you serve in Vietnam with District Attorney Earle? Or are you just a student of Mr. Rove's Swiftboating techniques.
What in the world does service in Vietnam have to do with this?
Except maybe it was too much exposure to agent orange that gave Earle his Jesus complex.

I guess you also need to be reminded that it turns out that the Swfit Boat Vets were telling the truth. It was your fake war hero kerry who was again lying about his record. Not to mention that he later sided with Hanoi Jane and the VC - becoming a traitor to his country. It was his testimony before congress that caused - where he said that every U.S. Soldier is a war criminal - that caused increased torture to those he left behind.

What alternate reality are you coming from?

The Swift Boat Vets were telling the truth?

Kerry said before congress that "every U.S. Soldier is a war criminal".

You were switched at birth with an evil twin from another universe ... it's the only explanation.


by the way ... the photoshoped photo of, who I assume is you, and President Bush on your website doesn't hardly look photoshoped at all. But isn't it just a little embarrassing to do that?
Rick Wade said:
Oh with Republicans its a crime and with Democrats it's not :whip: lets wait and see what happens.
Has more to do with the demonstrated ties.

How many dollars did the repubbies waste on that? Turned up... Well, jack squat.
michaeledward said:

What alternate reality are you coming from?

The Swift Boat Vets were telling the truth?

Y'know, its funny...

I seem to recall Sen. John McCain --- a Republican, Bush-supporter, celebrated Vietnam veteran, and author that tends to write books about things like 'courage' and 'integrity' --- publicly condemning the Swift Boat group.

Must be his rabid Left Wing bias, huh? :rolleyes:
