The Most Devastating Strike in All Martial Arts

I think the idea is that the most devastating strike is getting hit in the head with a planet, i..e getting thrown on your head. This video was showing how to defend against that strike, not how to execute it.

I completely agree. But the line..."getting hit in the head with a planet" that thar is just the best!

I'll never forget that term in this context. Made my day.
TKD spinning heel kick to face

It could cause serious brain damage
"could" is the key word. A spinning heel is a lower percentage kick, even in WT TKD.

i8 find this thread a bit bizarre to be honest, i have no use at all for a technique thats causes very serious injury, even breaking arms is a step to far, unless its complete desperation
1) there are all sort of legal ramifications that can change your life considerable and not for the better

2) its completely pointless, if you can knock them out, they are no longer any threat to you, why look look to inflict life changing injuries on them, if you really want to kill them, knock them out and then strangle them