What are the most effective styles of Karate?

I want to know what are the most effective styles of Karate? I know all styles of Karate are effective in there own respective way but in your opinions what are the most effective styles? What style is most devastating and or what are the devastating styles of Karate?
All of them. They're all awesome.
None of them. They all suck.

You're welcome.

Peace favor your sword,
There are many Martial Arts and they are very effective in their own way and depending on how u used it specially in the street when you get confronted if you want traditional go to ShotoKAN GOJU RYU KYUKUSHIN if you dont want traditional go take Kenpo karate Kenpo karate is an awesome Martial Arts
With all due respect, the question cannot be answered. You want to know what style of karate is the 'most devastating' and the only answer possible is 'it depends'.

You are not going to get an answer from anyone that even comes close to answering what you're asking. At most, you will get a rote list of people's favorites, which proves nothing.

Agreed. You may find an art/school/instructor that best fits YOUR needs to get you where you want to be on your own personal journey and that may differ from the next person. As my instructor says, ALL arts taught and shared in the right spirit will get you to the same mountain top.
i didnt see one vote for Amerido- Te. i think thats the best. maybe i missed it but i didnt see a vote for it.....the fad must be losing interest. the joke must be getting old.
2 reasons why:
Ameri-do-te isn’t karate
Ameri-do-te is a given, and we didn’t want to be masters of the obvious

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