The Most Devastating Strike in All Martial Arts

Deffinately in the list i came up with quickly in my head before watching. But its mostly a concussive shock wave. Where some elbow/knee/shin kicks/spinning heel kicks are equal if not superior contenders for addition chances of breaking bones, internal amd external bleeding, brain damage, and overall recovery time.

A well put video though.
Wow. So to avoid being picked up like that when in guard, you hook their leg with your arm.
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Care to further explain how you think its not
As far as I can tell his movements don't match those of any of the X-kans, or any of the koryu arts which retain elements of historical ninjutsu, or really any traditional Japanese martial art.

I think I might see a bit of CMA influence, but really it looks like a modern eclectic system formulated by someone with a flair for the dramatic but not a lot of real fight experience.
I am fairly new to bujinkan so I can not really say . I do know the punch he is displaying the death punch aka dim mak is said to be real ninjutsu
I am fairly new to bujinkan so I can not really say . I do know the punch he is displaying the death punch aka dim mak is said to be real ninjutsu
How does one practice a “death punch”? How do you know if you’ve got it right?
The name of that youtube video should have been titled something about "not getting slammed". And it was a really good video of just that.

I don't understand where the "most devastating strike" title came from. And if I want further training about devastating strikes, I sure as heck going to ask a jits guy. I don't care how good he thinks he is.
The name of that youtube video should have been titled something about "not getting slammed". And it was a really good video of just that.

I don't understand where the "most devastating strike" title came from. And if I want further training about devastating strikes, I sure as heck going to ask a jits guy. I don't care how good he thinks he is.

Good point Buka! LOL
The name of that youtube video should have been titled something about "not getting slammed". And it was a really good video of just that.

I don't understand where the "most devastating strike" title came from. And if I want further training about devastating strikes, I sure as heck going to ask a jits guy. I don't care how good he thinks he is.
I think the idea is that the most devastating strike is getting hit in the head with a planet, i..e getting thrown on your head. This video was showing how to defend against that strike, not how to execute it.
One of the most important techniques to counter against picking up is "leg twisting" which is missing in the OP's clip.

He actually mentions it at one point, but he shows wrapping the leg to the outside rather than to the inside as in your clip.