The Martial Talk Awards

  • Thread starter Thread starter Master of Blades
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Originally posted by KenpoTess
Purple Belts..........................

:mad: You're not funny! At all .... you're not .. just not ... :shrug:

Okay that was hysterical! Good thing my purple belted butt ain't gonna be there then!

Get an Education!, From there you can do anything else you want!


Go find someplace to be comfortable you deserve it for putting up with thsoe guys ! :D


I like Cats, so if I ever get down that way, yuo will not have to hide anyting :), well ok maybe . . . :rolleyes:


Just remember if you do not go, then you will pay more later. IT i best to pay up front in cash and not have to pay the interest later. :cool:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Get an Education!, From there you can do anything else you want!

God with you Seig Jason and my mum Im probably gonna get this Education whatever I do! :shrug:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
God with you Seig Jason and my mum Im probably gonna get this Education whatever I do! :shrug:

So with all of those people telling you then it must be true.
Originally posted by Seig
Don't worry, you, I will keep the cat away from....

Oh I don't have a problem with kitties. We have 4 and yet they still haven't caught that stupid mouse that's in my house yet.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Since when did you need one of those to become a porn star? :shrug:
You don't. But your forget, we have seen your picture, you'll never make it as a pron star. Seriously, Joe, get the education, forget porn as anything but entertainment, that line of work can seriously reduce your life expectancy. Get a good education, find a good job, find a lady and make fat babies.
Originally posted by Seig
You don't. But your forget, we have seen your picture, you'll never make it as a pron star. Seriously, Joe, get the education, forget porn as anything but entertainment, that line of work can seriously reduce your life expectancy. Get a good education, find a good job, find a lady and make fat babies.

Fat babys! I plan on making cute little babys with 6packs from birth thankyou very much :p
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Fat babys! I plan on making cute little babys with 6packs from birth thankyou very much :p


Fat Babies, are a term for healthy babies.

Originally posted by Seig
and in this case, Fat Head, means a stupid young brit.:rolleyes:

OHHHHH!!! Dang, that was another boot to the Nads. Well, at least you didn't call him a Fat Body.;)

Hey M.O.B. are you going to take that kind of abuse... :confused:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
OHHHHH!!! Dang, that was another boot to the Nads. Well, at least you didn't call him a Fat Body.;)

Hey M.O.B. are you going to take that kind of abuse... :confused:

Nope, I'm gonna sit quietly in my chair and wait until my headache subsides and then give each and everyone a suplex/rock bottom combination. Seig's will naturally be through a table. Jason and Rich can be onto Chairs if they wish :shrug:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Nope, I'm gonna sit quietly in my chair and wait until my headache subsides and then give each and everyone a suplex/rock bottom combination. Seig's will naturally be through a table. Jason and Rich can be onto Chairs if they wish :shrug:

Can My Chair be a full leather Lazy Boy?

Originally posted by Master of Blades
Nope, I'm gonna sit quietly in my chair and wait until my headache subsides and then give each and everyone a suplex/rock bottom combination. Seig's will naturally be through a table. Jason and Rich can be onto Chairs if they wish :shrug:
*Boot to the Groin*