New Game: "Make Rich Parsons Famous!"

I'm really enjoying this one- I add one, I take one away... Maybe once my alergies straighten up, I'll think more clearly- but what the heck!
Rich is so famous.

Look what I found in the Webster Dictionary :xtrmshock:xtrmshock


One entry found for enigma.
Main Entry: enig·ma
Pronunciation: i-'nig-m&, e-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin aenigma, from Greek ainigmat-, ainigma, from ainissesthai to speak in riddles, from ainos fable
1 : an obscure speech or writing
2 : something hard to understand or explain
3 : an inscrutable or mysterious person see also: Rich Parsons
Lisa said:
Rich is so famous.

Look what I found in the Webster Dictionary :xtrmshock:xtrmshock


One entry found for enigma.
Main Entry: enig·ma
Pronunciation: i-'nig-m&, e-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin aenigma, from Greek ainigmat-, ainigma, from ainissesthai to speak in riddles, from ainos fable
1 : an obscure speech or writing
2 : something hard to understand or explain
3 : an inscrutable or mysterious person see also: Rich Parsons


Some tell me I am also hard to understand or explain as well. :D
He's SO famous, He has two threads dedicated to him on the best Martial Arts chat forum on the web ... and he hardly posts!

Here's some new quotes:

RP quotes:

"I was out with a young lady until about 2 hours before the police showed up"

"I nice index finger lock taking him to the ground, with a nice smile on your face and you stating something like, "Kiss my feet" or "Insert you own phrase here", such as "While you are down there, ... , ."

"As to the Cup, I wear one. And Yes I wear one on the streets."

"When the law says 50%, it means 50% of all the stuff she left you or you did not have nailed down."

"I donÂ’t sleepÂ…. I wait!"

O.K.... I made the last one up... :D
shesulsa said:
He's SO famous, He has two threads dedicated to him on the best Martial Arts chat forum on the web ... and he hardly posts!


lol...I'll play.

Rich Parsons is so famous that the TV station UPN was origionally created as the "Unrelenting Parsons Network" which featured 24 hour updates to warn americans of on-the-spot *** kickin' and property destruction in real time.

Rich Parsons is so well known in Law Enforcement circles that anyone attacking Rich is a code 45-11; a suicide.

Despite Rich Parsons popularity, he WASN'T picked to do Tide laundry dergent commercials, as he was considered to violent. This is because on set he didn't wash the clothes, he disembowled them.

Rich Parsons is SO FAMOUS, even the Bullshido guys can't leave him alone!
Rich Parsons is SO FAMOUS, he's taking over for Barbara Walters on The View.
Rich Parsons is SO FAMOUS, he has other people groom his goatee.
shesulsa said:
He's SO famous, He has two threads dedicated to him on the best Martial Arts chat forum on the web ... and he hardly posts!


Yes Mistress, I will get to posting. ;) :D
James Patrick said:
Here's some new quotes:

RP quotes:

"I was out with a young lady until about 2 hours before the police showed up"

"I nice index finger lock taking him to the ground, with a nice smile on your face and you stating something like, "Kiss my feet" or "Insert you own phrase here", such as "While you are down there, ... , ."

"As to the Cup, I wear one. And Yes I wear one on the streets."

"When the law says 50%, it means 50% of all the stuff she left you or you did not have nailed down."

... :D

James Patrick said:
lol...I'll play.

Rich Parsons is so famous that the TV station UPN was origionally created as the "Unrelenting Parsons Network" which featured 24 hour updates to warn americans of on-the-spot *** kickin' and property destruction in real time.

Rich Parsons is so well known in Law Enforcement circles that anyone attacking Rich is a code 45-11; a suicide.

Despite Rich Parsons popularity, he WASN'T picked to do Tide laundry dergent commercials, as he was considered to violent. This is because on set he didn't wash the clothes, he disembowled them.


Sweet - Wait I did no such thing.
shesulsa said:
Rich Parsons is SO FAMOUS, even the Bullshido guys can't leave him alone!

Shhh, Stop telling people about my dates ;)