Contest: December 2005 : Most Helpful Thread

Nominee #7

Goldendragon7's Thread:
Q and A
Excellent thread for Kenpo EPAK

Nominee #8

Sifu Barry Cuda's Thread:
Knife Dueling
Good discussion of knife dueling and how it figures into modern training.

Nominee #9

Toasty's Thread:
Relationship between Modern Arnis and Balintawak
Pretty specific topic (about the roots of Modern Arnis), but good info. from a variety of leaders in Modern Arnis, including two datus and a senior master.
One more week until Nominations Close!

27,051 threads and 2,419 members on this forum! I know we have more then 9 great threads! :D
Lisa said:
27,051 threads and 2,419 members on this forum! I know we have more then 9 great threads! :D

If this thread makes ppl go back and read more of the forum, wouldn't that make *this* the most helpful thread?
Navarre said:
If this thread makes ppl go back and read more of the forum, wouldn't that make *this* the most helpful thread?
LOL, but so true! :)

No, this one's not eligible. :D
Navarre said:
If this thread makes ppl go back and read more of the forum, wouldn't that make *this* the most helpful thread?

I like your thinking Navarre! :D
Nominee #10

CeiCei's Thread:
A Really Great Instructor
The thread introduced so many people's different viewpoints and commands one to consider what is important to them in an instructor and what they feel they can offer as an instructor.
Direction (
1 2 3 4)
This thread I would like to nominate it has all the basis for what is TKD.
ITF v. WTF (
1 2)
This one gave alot of info. between the two organization and the conflict over all the bribery charges facing wtf very good thread or post
Bob Hubbard said:

December 2005 : Most Helpful Thread

So our last contest was such a big success we decided to continue right along again giving away another Supporting Membership.


For the next two weeks (until December 7) send Lisa a pm nominating what you think is the most informative Martial Arts related thread on MT. A thread that taught you something, clarified misconceptions, opened a whole new horizon for you as an Maist, or was just full of good information. Please include a link to the thread.

Restriction: So that we can award the writer their prize, the Original Post must be by a current MT member (ie it doesn't say guest/closed/banned by their handle), but can be from any date (even the 'old days' back in 2001).

At the end of the two weeks, we will set up a poll that all the MT members can vote on. The winner, again, will receive a one-year Supporting Membership to Martial Talk courtesy of the MT Mentors. (Contest will end December 21)

Thank you.

Thanks for the nominations Palasut and Terryl965. Could I please have the nominations PM'd to me as per Bob's original request. I need to be able to keep track of them. Thanks!

7starmantis' thread:
Northern vs. Southern
Not only is it extremely helpful and chock full of information that alot of martial artists are not clear on, but the entire thread itself is an exemplary example of mature discussion of differences and understanding, without once stooping to flame throwing.
Only two more days people! We have an excellent variety of threads, a few more won't hurt! Keep em coming! :D
Today is the last day for nominations, so if you have been procrastinating, its now or never. :)

I will be setting up the poll tomorrow and it will run for two weeks! Don't forget to vote!

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